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Rob Dyrdek is the most successful business man that skateboarding has ever seen!
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50 thoughts on “Rob Dyrdek – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #35

  1. I went to a hypnotist to stop smoking cigarettes and it’s been three years ago it didn’t work right away but about two or three months after that visit I quit and I had smoked cigarettes since I was 16 and quit when I was 31 it really does work

  2. great interview. was curious about his rinds but f that. high carbs and sunflower oil? hard pass. sunflower oil is literal poison to be avoided. and the best part about real pork rinds are theyre very low carb. i dont understand why people keep trying to f with nature, taking something thats basically one ingredient from an animal, something we were made to eat and need to make a version from 15 plants and chemicals that were never intended to be eaten by humans. its spitting in gods face.

  3. How Rob fucked shinel east coast or whatever the fuck her name is and promoted her lame ass rap shit isn’t a surprise to me a lot of guys will do shit for good ass pussy

  4. "Flossing" is egotistical and you cant take luxary cars with you when ya die lol. Give your life to Christ before its too late to do so.

  5. Rob looks exactly like my dad and grew up watching rob & Big with my dad and I live in Cali and skateboarding my whole life , every time I see this man i just go through all my childhood memories. Great podcast 👌

  6. Sorry Steve O I can't afford to buy anything,I didn't have enough to pay my Dr's co pay today,wth why can't it be the same amt than $25.00 to $79.00 & not Inc Rx such b.s.. Broke my tailbone back when & still hurts… Smh
    Get better Steve

  7. It trips me out to know that Rob is on his way to being a billionaire. MTV pulled a “name the number” type deal for his current Ridiculousness contract.

  8. Anyone who wants to see a great and thorough breakdown of Robs business career, especially with MTV, check out Patrick CC. It was so good Rob personally hit Patrick up to tell him how much he enjoyed it. It's really the story of a very very smart/business savy man creating his own opportunities that put him in place to becoming a billionaire. 👍

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