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U heated it w the terp bead in it?
Now I need see ur store and the fn ridiculous prices
And a nail really over banger cmon … is this amateur hour be real mail for tiny tiny dab
Wait I think mine has an xtra feature urs don’t too why tf u pay that much I can’t lmao
Funny I got same rig I paid 68$ lmfao
no shot U paid bandz who tf u buying from think I’m kidding where I send pics? Lmao 
Ur face after Ur dab is priceless but Ur poor mum u scared the crap out of her bless lol
Cold starts don't matter G Ur posts are phatt bruv love em cold starts it's all good keep doing what Ur doing. I want a doppest box G
“You take mushrooms all the time ,but wont take a little dab”………currently scooping a FAT dab

That comeback was insane
What is the best type of rig to get
Bruh every time I take shrooms and I watch your videos all I can think about is how you REAL ASF you make me feel safe dawg
Those nilla wafers would have been gone after my second pull lol
Hear me out…..y’all see yola’s mom?
happy 420
My brother and I did smoke in my mom's sleep apnea mask lmao
“Turn it turn it OH SHIT!”
The way your face lit up when you said thanks for the black friday discount. I dont see gratefulness like that often. Enjoy that bong:p
i came back to watch 8:53

Personally I love HELLA HOT dabs like the kind of glowing red it looks neon orange hot dabs that shit tasty
bro i live in winton,ca which is in merced county i wish i could have seen u it would be a dream
your mom did acid when you're being born well my mom smoked an entire joint before I was born in the hospital bathroom
1st is a Grav Labs STAX. My wife got it me FOR FREE from an app about 10 Years ago. Cost her 40,000 tickets from a dice game, Including FREE SHIPPING. Then, on Valentine's Day 2022, she bought Me a 2020 Dodge Challenger RT ScatPack. WIN, WIN.
YAAAY, MEEEEE….. I bought Her a House to be fair. Hit That Shit Once, Or, Twice, And You WILL Be TWICE AS NICE!!!
This man prolly paid $100 for all that hash…..and we would of paid like $500 XD but I’m not hatin dude I fuckin love you! You’ve been through a lot and deserve where you’re at Thomas. I’ve been watching you since when you started YouTube. When I’m by myself I fire up one of your videos and smoke with you when my friends are all busy. Wanna meet you someday man. I’m 33 years old myself. I’m moving out to Arizona soon so I eventually want to make it to Cali and meet you at an event or something someday! Much love brother!
How do u get that peice cleaned up when dirty
OHHHH mate id run through 5 bardyards of bindis to enjoy that concentrate with that bloody awesome rig!
HAHAHA , you're a funny bugga mate… watch n roll each day watchin a few vids while on compo mate…. Crap product here in Aus but I think things will hopefully change for us soon
Hi mate, I was locking at your new dab rig and it locks lovely. But if I was you change the nail to a titanium the best is electric heating so you can set a temp that fits you and I think your nail is borosilicate and that can start melting and bending. Just a motos.
was it 600-800dollars or 6-8k dollars?
You what's that blue light thing that your using?
18:36 the silent “I did”
did he say 6 BANDS???
ya mama baddd
What is that blue light looks like it heats it up
Moms got hella yams
You should smoke some crack with your mom.
Maybe you'll be on 'Soft White Underbelly' one day.
It will also help you lose weight.
Glad to help.
mom low key liked it you can tell! epic video!
your moms friend is hot! no disrespect!