Mark Normand dives deep into the neuroses of modern life, exploring the hypocrisies of political correctness, dating in the age of distraction and how being yourself is actually a terrible idea.
Amy Schumer Presents Mark Normand: Don’t Be Yourself
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Original airdate: May 12, 2017
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Big fan. Same Sam Morrill. Just FYI those don't know – recorded 2017, 3 yrs before 'Out to Lunch' which has been on YouTube for 3 years….
Amy is trash. Mark is a genius! She needs to go away. She’s not funny. Stealing jokes.
The funniest thing about Amy is mark. Lol
Bitch rlly said all the thoughts she has everytime she goes onto stage, idk how any human could find that whale funny. She’s the biggest joke of the comedian world whenever she calls herself a stand up comedian
For pure comedy marks quickly becoming the GOAT imo
Eww amy shumer
The way he talks reminds me of mark from parks and rec but if he played mark they wouldn’t have had to write him off
so funny
Why start this with that thing

Jesus, spare us ffs
I love his gentle yeahs
That was nice of Mark to let that fat chick introduce him
One of my favorite comedians!
This comedy made me cringe and hate myself
Comedy supposed to be funny did you miss that part when writing this
I loved when he say goodnight I’m Kevin hart

Amy? It was a great special, but really, Amy????
Wow what a huge win for Amy Schumer’s career
Man he's still killin it! There's no other humor quite like his, totally unique
this guys has three punchlines and like 10 setups
my favorite joke writer/stand up ever!
Schumer puke good by
Love this guy he's really killing it
People don’t realize how funny this man is damn this some good stuff right here i hope he has a long career
The irony of Amy telling Mark everyone doesnt think he is funny
I saw Amy shumer and had to change videos. Sorry. I just can't do it
Is Mark…, is he….selling out. Seems just strange.
I saw Mark open for Amy Schumer at Foxwoods once. He was so much funnier than her act it was embarrassing.
Well I like Amy for one thing now.
The Biggest joke is that Comedy Central thought Mark needed Amy Schumer to “present him”
he’s an amazing comic who doesn’t steal jokes 
2:10 to skip past Live Action Miss Piggy
okey once I saw his ears I can't unsee it
best hangover cure pedialite before bed and everytime u wake up and more when ur awake and water lol works wonders
Oh man. I hate how talented guys like Mark have to "earn their stripes" by having to meet and work around people like Amy.
There’s so much content in his set it’s mad
He is amazing at walking that fine line between funny and offensive. However if you are offended by anything a comedian says, please don't leave your home.
13:15 I definitely do this regularly
43:05 LMFAO
Gosh you are GOOD!!
This man is a legend
Dude, your comedy is perfect! You walk on that edge very skillfully!
@2:05 so you don't have to watch Miss All-I-Talk-About-Is-My-Vagina
This was great. Dude deserves the big bucks
Ha! Comedy