Update: Marilyn Manson’s attorney has responded to the allegations: ‘In a statement to Rolling Stone, Warner’s attorney, Howard King, says Warner “does not know this individual and has no recollection of ever having met her 28 years ago. He certainly was never intimate with her.” He went on to call Doe’s allegations a “fabricated tale” and added that “even the most minimal amount of scrutiny reveals the obvious discrepancies in her ever-shifting stories as well as her extensive collusion with other false accusers … Brian will not submit to this shakedown – and the courts won’t fall for it either.”’
A new lawsuit filed against Marilyn Manson accusing the singer of assaulting her when she was underage on his tour bus in the 90s.
Source: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/marilyn-manson-sued-sexual-assault-minor-1234670671/
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Marilyn Manson’s attorney has responded to the allegations: ‘In a statement to Rolling Stone, Warner’s attorney, Howard King, says Warner “does not know this individual and has no recollection of ever having met her 28 years ago. He certainly was never intimate with her.” He went on to call Doe’s allegations a “fabricated tale” and added that “even the most minimal amount of scrutiny reveals the obvious discrepancies in her ever-shifting stories as well as her extensive collusion with other false accusers … Brian will not submit to this shakedown – and the courts won’t fall for it either.”’
I am new not antichrist I am Rahab Isaiah 66.3 devil Mormon your not bible burner Jesus I am every would I want my name new world translation bible Gen 1.29 gen21.19 mathew 12..42 I am poverty the only one and I hope you till l marlin m rob z are stoping meat your Daly burn bible and kiss men bye I am not scared my name is Jesus not yours
Blah Blah blah I’m so sick of these stories. Regret isn’t rape. And I don’t even believe this shit. I think they start small and once the public sees him negatively because of the hit pieces everyone has a story. It’s bs. Also once the public sees what they can get away with the allegations get worse. Me too has gone wayyy too far. Y’all need to see & understand that this is mostly the truth in these situations.
We’re over it let the man work
They are all so strange and twisted out there… there's just no telling what the actual truth is. Their reality is all their own concoction. But it always seems the bigger the star, the more power behind them. And when it gets too twisted for the rest of the world, and the truth rears its fiery flames, a proper sentence is expected, and they just disappear for awhile, while justice is being "served in jail"… or they disappear forever and claim death, as in Epstein. We the public will never know the truth as to who is lying. Hollywood is a trustworthy as the government, and in fact, the 'stars' are Hollyweirds puppets. Basically, who knows, and who cares. Not me.
Shouldn't be a case. If it is a case, then we need to bring all the pastors and priests to trial too!!! Everyone! Anyone who's accused by what he said or she said about this or that relating to something criminal that happened almost 3 decades ago! Nothing but a smear campaign against the most hated rockstar to ever exist!! Marilyn Manson!! The rockstar who somehow caused Columbine, and every kid to harm or kill themselves in the late 90's into the 2000's, and could've been blamed for every other school shooting or public catastrophe as well. Until someone or something else fits the next blame-shifting psychological narrative for a new generation, but here we are once again. Back to attacking Manson! With baseless hearsay propaganda trials and tribulations!
What a sad but likely surprise!!!!
1995!?!?!?! No solid evidence, No trial!!!Who's next to jump on this wagon lies?!?? If we have any sort of Justice system left at all. Then all of these bs word of mouth claims that keep on popping up from the 90's and years ago etc. With absolutely NOTHING FACTUAL TO SHOW FOR IT?!? Then how long will this go on!?!?! ?¿?¿?¿ Until Manson f**** dies? Will it go on long after he dies!?!? I would say it sure looks that way with how things are still going right now!!!!! This is pathetic!!!
We are living in the days of the overly entitled and this is just a side effect. Its not so much of a big deal to gossipers but the artist himself is getting shredded in the social meat grinder for something he has not even been convicted of yet. It would appear that just accusing someone makes you automatically guilty, which is complete bs. People are fkng stupid man. They just go along blindly with a witch hunt without a second thought.
What if they accused Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons from Kiss, who has a reputation for fuxking groupies?
And isn't that how being a groupie works?
Another made up story by a groupie, aka hoe.
Blah blah blah
It's this abusive pos…I believe it.
Come on…this is beyond ridiculous now.
If I read one comment saying Manson is innocent I’m gonna scream
Why would record labels encourage their big money makers to commit illegal crimes and possibly go to jail and then they loose money? If Manson threatened her and her family if she talked, well she has talked and Manson hasn't done anything. Why has she been afraid for so long and she's not afraid now when there is money to be made ?
So why ain't Jane Doe scared now? She was scared for her and her families safety for all these years but now that's not a problem.
This is looking more like a conspiracy just like Manson's lawsuit against ERW claims.
if someone’s rapes u, u should 1000% of the time go to the police but this story has changed so many times idk what to believe anymore
Leave him alone for ffs
DETOX could play a part in a movie about Marilyn Manson.
My girlfriend and i went on his bus in 95 when he was with korn and danzig….. Manson was a person who was nowhere close to comfortable with the attention and i watched as he ignored many , many advances from adults and underage females….. He was not anywhere close to a Rockstar in terms of his interaction with fans and was someone who was shockingly conservative and offended at the behavior of some of his fans… In 95 the spooky kids were a family and Manson was not a human being that would have ever behaved with such misogyny then……misogyny would not arrive until the relationship with miss mcgowan was over.. U can clearly read it in his lyrics
Oh yeah and back in 1994 I left a duffle bag full of money under Mansons tour bus. 6 Million to be exact. I had witnesses. When do I collect?
Rolling Stone is now a Tabloid. They seem to be working for ERWs causes. I hope Manson wins them all.
Looks like Nick Cage.
this is absolutely insane. they are clearly just making a new case because people are started questioning the other ones.
I wonder if Rolling Stone is going to fully investigate and expose the Epstein Island visitors and victims the way they cover these weaponized Manson allegations ?
And those who are out for a payday his net worth is only 8 million so you aint getting rich off of mansons made up rape room and torture chairs.wheres the video?surely if there was a rape room in his house someone woulda filmed it on their phone?
I stand with the guy its kind of ironic hes best friends with johnny depp both victims of crazy money grabbing pyschos and jilted fans.tje guy has done some dark shit on tour no doubt.but i think its all consensual hes no rapist or peado .just an artist pushing boundaries of his art.hes lives his art.hes a pioneer and a legend and i stand with him and depp
Men please do longer videos
Omg another one out for money the courts should stop all these accusers and again years later
2023 but it happend in the 90's?
That shit pisses me off.i know manson personally and to be real with you he is totally not disrespectful to women at all. the past two times I've met manson were really cool he was very respectful to me I've been to his house even late night .and it was awesome we laughed while watching American psycho on his projector screen.he was very cool never came at me with disrespect if anything i had a good time and made me feel comfortable .he is very much raised old school and is totally has good moral standards i know he would never come at a fan like that an under age fan if that..anyone who is underage i know would not be on that tour bus. he does not get down like that he totally does not need this crap in his life . its made up and as a loyal good friend of my bro mr.manson i feel very such personally attacked .I got his back so please stop with these allegations you are messing with someone's life and career.GIA (BEAUTY DECAY)
If you were gonna bring up allegations of sexual misconduct or sexual assault in any way why would you only be going for a lawsuit instead of having him criminally charged then going for a lawsomething's up it's people like that which are destroying anything a woman says or actions that truly happen or happened!!
Eventually he will throw me under the bus to escape the constant barrage of character assassinations.
There's no way a rockstar would ever be anything but gentleman to a groupie. Especially before the internet or everyone was filming everything.
Can they give the guy a break? Lol
Damn! They've been attacking Marilyn Manson like they would a pro life conservative
He asked for and wrote down their age, school grade, and home address…
I don't buy even that statement
I wasn't there so I really don't what happened. He is one of the greatest showmen ever, his music is legendary but His public image, and persona doesn't help him. If it did happen justice needs to be served.
What happened to "believe all victims". You people change like the wind, once it's a big rock star with music you like. This tale is old as time. Just like Robert Plant holding a sixteen year old girl kidnapped in his mansion during Zeppelins hey day. These are people taking advantage of other people, (including children), but if they made a record you like or a movie you loved, then you're willing to change your moral compass to overlook it. Marilyn Manson rapes underage girls and other women… And that's somehow far fetched to you all. Ptf.
Let’s ask him about that “pedo” tattoo on his wrist…sick dude.
Drama to an opera can ditch it anytime sht duke
Why would wait so long to say something it was like 25 years ago. It just seems weird . And how would it be proven ? Unless the band member who allegedly seen it came fourth.
Probably just looking for a check
Hey I want free $$$ !
How many artist/bands, are gonna have to deal with old groupies trying to get a pay off with allegations of ancient abuse ?
Marilyn Manson sexually abused me too DAM IT !!
Man's a diddler.
I don't really get why people instantly defend their idols. We don't know the evidence either way. But as fans most of you are just writing off the allegation. NFL fans did the same thing with Deshuan Watson. Even if I like a celebrity's work, I will never automatically defend their alleged heinous actions. .
I’m surprised he wasn’t busted years ago. Most of the music industry is infested with sexual predators and MM is no exception