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Journey’s 2022 arena tour was a massive success, grossing over $31 million, but behind the scenes, lead guitarist Neal Schon and keyboardist Jonathan Cain were engaged in a petty feud that required separate security for their dressing rooms. This video delves into the drama and tension that plagued the band and led to dueling lawsuits and a breakdown in their business relationships.

Source: Billboard –

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22 thoughts on “Journey’s Insane Backstage Drama: “Cain Caught The Assistant Red Handed”

  1. I think perry saw this happening all before it did… the 90s. Then made that unbelievable contract to perfect his interest and future. Such a contract would never made today. It's equivalent to reeves deciding he didn't want a salary for the matrix, instead he want a percentage of the matrix revenue, it was like investing in Microsoft before mircrosoft was even known. Perry, knowing he was responsible for all those songs that made journey the biggest band in musical history, protected himself and his hard work by continuing to receive financial compensation without having to tour. He in a sense retired without really rehiring from journey, he makes like 30 percent when journey tours. And he still must be included in all business decisions as it is he, schon and cain who own the journey name and legacy.
    Such a contract would never be made today.
    Perry was smart, he knew the deal and of course he makes music on his own terms now when he feels like it. It's not for any want or need only the passion that drives him.
    And whether he had that voice that had all of us dropping to our knees back in 84 or not has little to do with his decision to remain off the grid.
    Watching a babd you loved emplode is not easy to do but I'm sure now ss he sees it with his own eyes he knew he was right to leave back when they made trial by fire. He knew that this day would come, even begged them to let journey rest, keeping making music don't not under journeys name.
    He is right and all of this proves it.
    So sad, the 80s are over and so is the greatest band in musical history 😢😢😢😢😢

  2. I noticed that Schon's wife had posted her lasting shopping spree the other day someone not get news back to her she is being sued for improper expenses on the band's corporate credit card?

  3. Ones got a nutty wife the others a "holy roller" what could possibly go wrong. Took in their show last night in Toronto. Amazing.

  4. Steve Perry was vocal in the band’s retrospective that he felt that the band Journey should retire without him. Start a new band, but leave Journey and what we’ve accomplished together alone. They really should have listened !

  5. Shon’s narcissist ego has always been the reason why Journey did not make it as big as they could have, they hit the casinos well before any good band would, I stopped listening to them when Schon decided years ago to live off a few old album songs, too bad

  6. Arnel should probably just look at himself as an employee, keep his head down and pick up his millions. He and Schone are key. Everyone else is replaceable. Look at Chicago they just keep going though few members from the original troop remain.

  7. They need to get back to the music or just end the band and go away , stop taking a dump on the legacy of Journey and the music.

  8. I have always loved their music and always will. I believe they are all super stars and always have been. I think if it is as bad as it sounds like it is getting to be they all should take a minute and step back and re- evaluate what they either need to do to make changes or just not finish the tour myself I personally would like to see them work everything out and continue to tour. The fans don't deserve anything but the best that has been seen by them.

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