One of rock’s greatest bands, Journey, is currently on tour celebrating their 50th anniversary. So why does Journey seem so unhappy right now?
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Might as well bring back Steve Smith on drums and let Deen Castronovo sing everything. That may be their best bet.
Neal Shon Spent One Million Dollars Of Journey Money He Basically Had No Permission To Spend!! Careless Spending!!
Such a legendary band, and acting like children. What a pity!!! Stay strong Arnel
Singer uses way too much echo,delay on his voice..
I’m seeing them tonight in Laughlin NV. It’s a great Venue even Stadium seats have a great view…Hopefully they can work out their crap and us a great concert. Last year REO was there. The Kevin just turned 72 and was amazing.

I love journey been a fan since the 80s
Well, it’s like this scenario —crazy things do happen when all the guys in the band are jamming nicely playing some old school rock music and suddenly one of their wife from backstage butts in and wants to jam along insisting to sing her favourite Taylor Swift song.. suddenly the nice groove the dude are playing just got broken into pieces. Yeah man, that can happen lol
Their senile now.
Journeys an amazing band. No one except Arnel has ever been able to sound like Steve Perry, that’s a huge God- given gift.
Ignore the BS and just keep Rocking!
Work it out fellas it’s not worth it.
Much love! God Bless!
Neil Schon has always been the problem. They could still have the Voice Perry if not for him. Arnel is no young chicken and probably would like to retire. They should all retire. They all look really old.
Arnel is a great karaoke singer, but Steve Perry is one of the greatest rock singers of all time.
Personally I'm a Steve Perry fan and only really listen to OG (ie Perry) but honestly, if Arnel quits, Journey is over; he's the only reason Journey didn't die off after The Voice.
Just break up and start Bad English again. They were so much better anyway. MO
Journey died a long time ago when Steve Perry left. Arnel revived them. Without Arnel, Journey is dead. Never to return.
there nothing without steve perry
I think Journey would most likely be washed up if it weren't for Arnel. He is the reason they can still sell out arenas.
Arnel SAVED Journey. And that's the way it is.
Arnel sounds just like Steve
Arnel what that band back to life , they should be grateful to have him 
OMG. Journey has become their own cover band. Without Arnel, Journey wouldn't sound like Steve Perry. It must suck for Neil Schon and Jonathan Cain to have to rely on someone to be the 'legacy' to allow them to tour.
Schon needs to just give up and quit, but with as many ex-wives he has to pay alimony to, we all know there's no way in Hell he'll let what's left of Journey retire short of the death of several band members. That, and that ego of his–first he clashed with Steve Perry over who should control Journey, then when Perry retired for medical reasons and they replaced him with Steve Augeri, Schon drove the band to the point where poor Augeri literally destroyed his voice and had to have throat surgery to recover, so Schon fired him and decided that the last thing he wanted was "another Steve Perry" so he tried to drive Hugo Valenti of the tribute band Evolution out of the music business altogether simply because Hugo looks and sounds a LOT like Perry, and when that failed, he hired poor Arnel Pineda for a song and signed him into a contract bordering on slave labor.
And as for the behind the scenes drama, the show Breaking the Band barely scratched the surface. I've heard horror stories of Schon and his ego from an ex-roadie of Journey's back in the Perry era who swore me to secrecy because he was (and technically still is) under an NDA, but if I were at liberty to reveal anything, it would be how Schon acted like he was God's gift to the music industry, cheated on his current wife with his future next wife repeatedly, tried to sexually harass female road crew members (and got told to knock it off OR ELSE by the head of the road crew)… and that's only a small portion of what little my friend could tell me, and he was first-hand eyewitness to a LOT more that he didn't tell me because of Perry's gag order on everyone.
If you lost arnel the journey is no one interested anymore
Get rid of Arnel and the band is back at square o ne with having a performing career. Arnel's STORY and humble nature alone is enough to bring in more fans. Journey's endless search and ending up in the backstreets of Manilla to find a singer should be enough to realize that getting rid of Arnel is a deal breaker for the band. It would be easier to replace a problematic band member than the voice of the band.