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45 thoughts on “Ethan Klein – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #34

  1. I love your podcast Steve o my only complaint is I wish they were longer than an hour because I’m always hooked on the conversations. Keep it up 👍

  2. You know Ethan is a crappy person when all he has to talk about is other Creators. Every time I hear him speak he is talking badly about someone

  3. Dude you absolutely need to release more footage of bits that deserve way more screntime, like the duck tape truck for example.
    Put it behind a paywall like steveoraw or something, but you have to release stuff like that at some point, people are so thrilled to see more of this and other bits. Make it like a behind the scenes or something, but please release it dude

  4. "Lets talk about other Youtubers for 1/4 of the podcast. Tell me how the Fair Use Act works. How do you run your business? How many employees do you have? Where do you make your merch? How do you ship your merch? Lets talk about how Adsense works. Tell me how many lots of moneys you have."

    I love you & your podcast, Steve-O, and I'm sure it's hard to make a hack like Ethan sound like a good guy. But this?

  5. This video popped up in the mix and I watched it out of curiosity. I do not like Ethan’s tendencies to talk about everyone else. This one was so polar opposite I had to watch. I still don’t like that dude but Steve o continues to be rad dude

  6. Steve-O is funny, but has such a distorted view of what is attractive, not a surprise considering all his injuries. But his distorted view only seems to be with dudes, like his troll assistant, Paul. Poor Paul, he actually seems to believe Steve when he calls him handsome.

  7. It’s cool seeing Ethan on another person’s podcast where he’s a little more laid back/has less to worry about. Can tell both of ya’ll are just genuine good dudes

  8. You can cut off real animal balls on yt but not fake human ones unless you talking about vesicitmy vids and even real human open heart surgery.

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