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30 thoughts on “Ermia Hamidzadeh on Competing with Amiri, Falling Out with Eric Bellinger, Brand Loyalty & More – No Jumper

  1. Jesus Christ this dude is so full of shit 🤦‍♂️ you’re five foot nothing, hair thinning like a mf, non existent brand, untrue to yourself, and claims to be just overwhelmed in puss 😂 I ain’t letting this mf get me worked up I just can’t stand these kind of lames. Mf dorks like him moving up to my state driving me insane 🤦‍♂️

  2. God this guy is unbearable. Brand doesn’t even exist. Imagine working this hard to create a lie just to look a certain way ultimately to gain clout likely so you can get some pussy. Unreal these cornball ass mf 💀

  3. Bro this fool faking like kelpy lmao cuz I can't find his shit no where but can't lie he spoke real ish no matter what never take no for a answer because one door closes n many doors open

  4. He not authentic check the body language when he speak, the little sips of water before answering a question tells it all.. he smart forsure but not one of them …Not gonna lie He studied sharp heavily before coming in. his whole family full of doctors , fucking at the 1st grade??? Fuck that..He smart w his words I give him that. Y'all dumb for believing him lol

  5. It ain’t yes and no this guys trying to act like this shits hard af I legit started a clothing brand and use the same fabrics as LuluLemon better designs and cheaper same fabrics it ain’t hard as long as you know how to market and design

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