Godfrey fights a few bad guys onstage, then talks about New York City, his immigrant father, trick-or-treating and more.
Original airdate: February 18, 2005
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These half-hour specials showcased some of the best up-and-coming comedians of the moment. The show was a pivotal stepping stone for many of today’s stand-up stars, including Dave Chappelle, Patton Oswalt, Amy Schumer, Jim Gaffigan, Kevin Hart, Zach Galifianakis, Dane Cook, Bill Burr, Wanda Sykes and Maria Bamford.
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He’s so great! Amazing!
"Crayola coming out with colors i don't know about?"

triple OG Godfrey
This is dumb old
When I was your age…
How old is this?

Exxxactly Godfrey, but they copy everything Out People due and create… Everything Was Created By Our People…. As Yah Blessed Up with The Power of Creation HAAALLEELUUYAAH
That's not Our History… The Brutha that came up with the idea… However he knows that Our History is Of The Whoooole World… Praaaise Yah

I'm Blessed to be In The Brown Skin Yah Blessed Me With .

Naw, they not smart, cause if so they would repent…
I Loooove when he talks like his dad….

They are not native they are Hindu..
Godfrey is soooo funny and he not a sell out like many black comedians
Exactly, gentiles are NOT the creaters of karate the very first Samurai's were Us… Like everything else that began on this Earth…
He’s so beautiful
the YouTube algorithm is just showing me this guy now??
Bro! I laughed all the way from start to finish

Still the best walk in lmaooo gotta love Godfrey

Most Underated Comic
He Not Funny To Me
Unfunny af
Funniest Corny nigga on earf
First time I seen somebody have a fake kung fu fight before a set lmao
maybe i lost my sense if humor but these stand up specials are really bad
Love the opening lol
Tell me why Godfrey has the exact same smile as Barney the Dinosaur
Wow, that might have been the most narcissistic comedy intro I ever saw…
YEA this from long long time ago when Godfrey was not funny HE came a long way
a lot of those metro people are licensed to carry be carry..my grandma was one of them lol
F— kobe Bryant
Very funny…
This was horrible I laughed one time…….
Best intro ever
This dude is awesome
Crowd is super annoying. They cheered and clapped more than they laughed. Like it ain't a fkn mlkjr rally. Jfc…
This video needs a warning for people with asthma. Laughing wayyyy too hard.