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Danny Way is a living legend, and the first mega ramp skateboarder.
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About Wild Ride! With Steve-O:
Wild Ride! With Steve-O is the official Steve-O Podcast!
I’m Steve-O, the guy from Jackass and Wildboyz. I’m known for stapling my
balls to my leg, putting huge jellyfish on my head, and plenty of other crazy,
funny stuff. Since the last Jackass movie, I’ve never stopped doing crazy stuff,
and this is the place to see all of it. Nothing sucks on my channel. If you enjoy
trick shots, you’ll love how I incorporate hot chicks with huge, glorious boobs
into them with my Titty Trick Shots videos. If you love skateboarding, comedy,
and funny, dangerous stunts like The Stunt That Broke My Legs and My Biggest
Jump Ever, then my How To Get Famous and Venomous Spider Stunt videos
will rock your world! My pranks are just as wild, too, check out my Golden
Shower Prank! I’m about to post my favorite stunt video of the year, it’s called
Jumping Off A Bridge From A Moving Trampoline, don’t miss it! Subscribe for
new videos, and check out my whole channel! Thanks so much! – STEVE-O


Danny Way – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #30

Steve-O’s Wild Ride! – Podcast



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40 thoughts on “Danny Way – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #30

  1. Hi Steve-O and friends!
    Incredible podcast as always! This got me thinking about a potential guest : TJ Lavin! From BMX to reality TV host, you guys could have great conversations.

  2. I'm so late to this one, but Steve is so stoked it kinda reminds me of a little kid. Like a kid holding a batman action figure, meeting batman, and telling batman about all the cool stuff he did on TV 😂😂

  3. Holy shit I never understood where the name Plan B came from But then he will literally just said they started it as their Plan B 🤯

  4. In 1988/89 (?), I rode in my brother's friends dads van with the gang from Long Beach to Carlsbad, to skate Mike McGill's skatepark. Upland pipeline had closed and Mike's park was three different ramps: he had a vert ramp that was 12 ft with over a foot and a half of vert and a 20 ft wide 7 ft ditch ramp that was perpendicular to another 4 ft ramp with spine. I remember the first person I saw skating every one of those ramps was a 15-year-old Danny Way. I'll never forget how he backside aired from the 7 ft ditch ramp into the four foot mini ramp!! Huge gap. And then he was throwing everything at the vert ramp too, like big fakie ollie's, 540s, tailslide reverts, sick ripper. I think Danny Way represented that group of skaters that was taking things to the next level on vert. And I remember the white, black, and red airwalk prototype shoes with the leather shoelace protector he was rocking that day. Yep, Danny Way was the biggest little ripper alongside Bucky lasek on Powell in those days. We had a ditch ramp in our backyard but it was only 6 ft and had way more mellow transition than the 7 ft ramp. The ramp in Brea had the same type of transitions and it was almost like an in-between type ramp that didn't go to vert and wasn't quite as chill as the ditch ramps around, like Scoots ramp or the ramps they built for the CASL contests they started having with mini ramps. Who's out there from SoCal that was at Brea ramp and Scoots ramp back then???? Scoot beat me out for second place at the first ever CASL mini ramp contest!!!! And learned backside smiths on vert before me, he was my Nemesis back then!!!!

  5. Danny way!! Yeah dude! Hands down the most progressive skater(aside from the godfather Mullen) of all times… I remember being in a skateshop back in 98 and watching a 411 video and Danny was dropping into a half pipe from a helicopter… fuckin insane

  6. I have a buddy who’s 60 and is still skating. I asked him, “what’s the best thing you’ve ever gotten from skateboarding?” And he said, “ tenacity and recovery from bad situations… man I know how to fall better than all my friends the same age”

  7. Steve-O was right to stop and explain Powell Peralta and the Bone Brigade. I am 44, PP WAS skateboarding. The only things that were even close were Vision, Thrasher, and Transworld, but they were distant seconds

  8. Another great video SteveO! I've been watching your videos for a couple months now and your insight into the world I idolized growing up as an amateur skater isn't just entertaining, it's inspiring.. and Danny Way, your a living legend man it was awesome to see you and hear from you😁

  9. Damn Steve-O! I'm crawling the wall on this one . I'm like just let Danny talk 🤣 WTF! all in all "DANNY F**K'in WAY straight LEGEND" 🤘🏼 & Steve-O I Love the Podcast and all the other Content you've been putting out . I see all the hard work you put into everything and tweaking things to be better . All respect to you and your Team . Yeah Dude! ❤❤❤

  10. Danny way was the man when I was growing up I remember his street parts in questionable and virtual reality and his great biography on the on skate video was my favorite heard some things about him that were sketchy and the whole thing where his friend went to prison over him kind of fucked that up but he's a great skateboarder

  11. Lol dope in the beginning steve-o interrupted danny mid story just to explain danny's own career to him in the wrong order. Danny didn't even sweat him on it he kept it pushing like a gent.

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