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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 As mentioned the customer had a fire at the front end of the truck and is trying to blame that for the damage to the rear differential. The rear end most likely made quite a terrible noise for quite a while but was neglected by the customer and when the fire happened, he said that also damaged the rear differential. The technician said the customer’s insurance company is involved so probably wanted the rear differential replaced as well under insurance.
0:18 The customer had to pay for a new clutch. It was not covered under warranty.
0:32 “This 2021 Harley Davidson street bob has only 4,000 miles/6437 kilometres on it and came in for a clutch adjustment. We discovered his buddy thought he changed the engine oil 500 miles ago but, he actually drained all the transmission oil and didn’t put any more back in, resulting in a completely destroyed transmission…”
0:48 The cancellation spring is located in the turn signal arm. This spring makes contact with the high spots in the column when the steering wheel turns. These high spots hit the spring and cause it to return to the neutral position. That’s why the turn signal would not self-cancel after making turns.
1:03 Fitting is supposed to be slid on the brake line, then flared.
1:13 Washer fluid line leaking which turns into a boot washer.
1:19 “I think this was sunroof drains. Was a long time ago.”
1:24 Hungry mechanic left it or rodents?
1:31 You can see where the prybar handle rubbed through the exhaust. A mechanic/technician must have left it there in the past when doing work on this truck.
1:43 The technician said he thinks they got a locksmith because they still couldn’t get in after doing this, and also mentioned breaking a window would have been cheaper.
1:50 Unusual to see on a vehicle that is less than two years old and not rusty. I talked to a friend who’s a GM technician and said he’s seen this on a 2021 GMC Acadia as well, but unsure how this happened as well.
2:05 Broken engine/transmission mount.
2:10 No extra info. This was filmed in the UK as well if you’re interested to know.
2:22 “The shop joke was a self-torture device”.
2:38 Suspension travel and turning the wheel. The customer was not thinking about that when they installed the lights.
2:43 The technician said they just bought the vehicle so they maybe went back to where/who they bought it from to get it fixed.
2:53 https://www.memorialonwheels.org/
3:03 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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I decline repairs to my death trap… WTF
41kms on that clutch! FMDDD!!!

Vehicle color: 'Merica
Thanks as always for restoring a little faith in humanity with the 'nice'endings hha
I'm amazed some of these vehicle owners can breathe while sleeping
apperantly harley davidson made motors for ford f150s
sad thing is people decline repairs because they cant afford it. life is getting expensive
The mental health crisis is much worse then we've led to believe. Narragansett Bay
1:44 Because replacing an entire door is cheaper than replacing a window.
Vehicle color: freedom
So the Blazer didn't have any suspension for the tire from factory?
I should get my truck washed and send in a photo. I am driving around a vehicle damn near as old as I am after all.
Merica! Mericaaaaa! Team Mericaaaaa!
What did they do to the door to free the dog?
Noise must have scared the dog to death
I think breaking a window would have been cheaper and faster.
Fire damaged the differential.
Insurance fraud?
some of these people seriously need to be deported.
0:18 that car must be held the world record for "Shortest distance to burnt clutch entirely"
Heavy gauge wires running from engine bay to the driver's door:
Option 1- driver assist, electric shock alertness aid
Option 2- redneck cigarette lighter.
How does someone burn out a clutch in 25 miles unless it's intentional?
That last one got me laughing xD
These are normal cars in Ohio.
01:19 Chinese car, 01:24 French car, 02:54 USA! USA!!
I've done rear end work…never seen anything like this.
Its a terrifying thought that a vehicle like some of these is probably sharing the road in your area.
Those two cable's used to be how you would start the car. GM??
Wow, that brake line one… Even if they may have thought it was a compression fitting I would NEVER use a compression fitting on a brake system. Double flare all the way.
As for the baguette… maybe they thought the mechanic was hungry
"customer states , drove over a curb while looking at flowers".. finally an honest person!!!!
People are something else…
LOL the first thing I thought when I saw that last truck was 'MERICA!
that last shot=classic
I’d bet that cable through the door is for a jump pack so they don’t have to get out and open the hood.
it never ends….!
I once saw a car with the left rear wheel held in place with a piece of rope tied around the broken piece of suspension, around the trunk latch and over to the door handle!
Love the videos
It should be illegal for a customer to decline repairs when the vehicle is a safety hazard
It's dangerous enough to try and work on your vehicle when you don't know what you are doing but seriously don't work on a motorcycle if you don't know what you are doing.
That's a great color!
I can bet my middle nut the last murican truck has all the freedom little trees
How can people deal with crap like this? Heck i have a 97 f150 4×4 and absolutely everything works on it and still in good condition… and I'm the only one who works on it. Some people shouldn't even own a vehicle, a accident ready to happen.
Wait, they drained the transmission fluid and didn't refill it, while changing the oil? What the what? I was expecting to hear they filled the transmission with engine oil, but that's a puzzler.
"Drove over a curb while looking at flowers…" This is why I look both ways on a one way street.