Welcome to Just Rolled In!
For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 What the technician said: “It was for fuel efficiency, that’s essentially a gasoline “container”, the three tubes to the throttle body are inserted into the fuel can with the ends above the fuel level, the three tubes towards the front of the tank are inserted below the fuel level and while the engine is running, the vacuum created forces air down the tubes, into the fuel, causing a disturbance in the surface tension of the fuel and creating a higher level of vapor that gets sucked into the engine and becomes the source of fuel.”
As mentioned the engine had a very bad bottom-end knock so the shop did not do any other work on it.
0:23 The customer somehow drove to the shop like this (most likely in 4WD). As mentioned the customer has no clue how the studs and nuts that hold the differential to the housing went missing. Maybe a customer DIY gone wrong or somebody did it on purpose?
0:37 The customer mentioned they had no clue they ever drove in wet concrete. There was so much concrete that the CV axle was rubbing against it, which caused the grease to leak out and wear the CV axle which needed to get replaced.
0:48 Their son-in-law broke a caliper slide pin bolt somehow, so he used the chain to hold the brake caliper in place. The shop fixed it.
0:59 A universal wheel spacer and some loose change that the customer had was taped to the brake rotor and used as a “spacer”.
1:07 This Ford Focus had the passenger side strut tower damaged, and near the fender was welded very poorly. The technician mentioned the vehicle is not safe to be on the roads and didn’t want their names on it.
1:23 The bag of fish food/pellets was hitting the window switch while braking.
1:36 The technician turned on the blind spot detector.
1:46 The customer’s insurance company paid for the damages.
1:57 Not sure why somebody would do this and it’s very unsafe! A new outer tie rod end can be very cheap. Maybe the customer was working on their car and broke the outer tie rod end somehow, so put a bolt through it. Hopefully, they get it replaced.
2:05 The front coil spring mounts perch were most likely worn/rusted out so the customer did this to keep the coil springs in place. As mentioned the shop refused to do any work as it was held in with ratchet straps and poorly done.
2:16 The shop put a bag on the air filter as it was raining outside.
2:24 Air filter assembly is half missing, and multiple connectors broke.
2:40 As mentioned the customer could not see any water lines/proof of the vehicle being in a flood because it was completely submerged and had a boat propeller hit the roof. The customer had also installed a new battery which didn’t do anything.
2:57 “This truck could have had a dangerous and even deadly outcome if it wasn’t brought in for engine repairs and an extended “bumper to bumper” diagnostic.Looks like the previous lift installer forgot to reinstall or properly torque the front spring hangers and the entire front end was being held in place by 2 bolts.”
3:10 The viewer who shared this clip saw this Chevrolet Colorado in this condition at his local grocery store.
3:19 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Hope you guys have a great upcoming weekend!
Submit your clips/photos at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Thanks for watching.
WHAAT? Really, and I mean r e a l l y , unbelievable things people have done.
I swear, these videos go by way too fast. Keep them coming!
I am amazed at the ignorance in these videos. Just goes to show you just that there are actually people on the road that are this stupid… smh
Prop marks on roof .. for the win
"There's no water line because it was completely under water" LMAOO
This reminds me of a friend's car. In the early eighties, he bought a Monza and installed a toilet paper oil filter. After a few months, he took it back off, because it was too much of a pain to be constantly changing the toilet paper and adding oil. That was the first time I'd heard of any of the weird aftermarket devices for engines. Made me suspicious of anything like that I saw for sale, and possibly kept me from buying into any of them.
Drive arround with the car in the last video here in germany and the cops will impound your car and take away your license plate till you fix it or scrap it.
I will never stop being amazed by people who put on an aftermarket part onto their vehicle and then when it doesn't work properly afterwards they don't just reverse what they just did. If all else fails return it to a state in which you knew it last worked.
"I installed a fuel saver device, which works by never allowing any fuel to get to the engine."

These people don't deserve to own a car or truck …. stupid people
3:10 even a russian would think twice before getting into that thing
And these are the type of people that will be getting into government forced EV's ….. Just as they update all vehicles with government controlled OBD3 (kill switch to soon to be ticking time bombs). Lets just hope this EV fad fades before its fully adopted.
How do you deal with a car like the last one?
Do you just decline repairs and let them drive away or do you call the cops for someone driving a car like that on the roads?
Embodiment of
"I know a guy" for some of these.
Can U immagine the mess cutting into the oil pan
I think they should add watching a couple hours of these, to part of the process of getting your license. Y'know an old "what not to do"

So much nope
If someone were doing this to my mustang ecoboost i drop the jack on the man till he was pinned and call the damn monkeys
If that last truck was caught on the road in the uk the guy would have the book thrown at him, no MOT (ministry of transport) annual test so no insurance and no tax it would be confiscated and crushed, a big fine, and probably lose there licence to drive
I have done some mediocre things to "get by" until i get the time to sort things out properly, but I always make sure I understand the consequences of what I am doing and try and work within those bounds. But the lack of understanding and assumed knowledge shown in some of these clips blows my mind and makes me feel a lot better about the things that I have done.
man used a peach can
It's just pathetic that auto manufacturers haven't addressed the converter theft problem. They'll probably not, until some law requires them to implement an expensive and ineffective solution.
That hole in the hood for the air intake on the vw,
effing mint
0:07 Keep installing those contraptions, folks! After this guy's mechanic got through saving the customer's engine from certain death, he's comfortable enough now to make plans to send his daughter to Harvard Medical School!
Ah yes, the load-heading brake lines.
I don't understand HOW these people don't DROWN when it rains outside ….
Car at 2:20 reminds me of the cars my son looked at when he wanted a hot hatchback.
Wanna save fuel? Don’t turn the engine on
Oh my God these people
I feel if you can not take care of your machine then get a bicycle. 1000x more safer.
Allot of these I’m like at first “huh I really wonder what the problem is… short circuit bad fuse electrical problem” but nope ITS A BAG OF FISH FOOD
1:54 I would rather the criminal be gasoline-boarded by cutting into my gas tank than for them to get away with my cat. converter.
3:10 Just let it go bruh. It’s finished
I get that there are such thing as people that don't understand cars. However, the lack of understanding and overall common sense and good judgment for that matter is just mind-boggling. It disgusts me to believe that people like this exist.
"Mechanic was shocked to see a vehicle like that being driven on the roads."
Must've been his 3rd day
It's so scary that I'm putting my life in these people's hands when on the road
omg the cable ties on that last truck hahhah
:The car has no water line, but it wont start." The car was a submarine. Its toast
LOL! When you do stupid shit to your car and it stops working, wouldn't you take the stupid shit off before you take it to a professional to get looked at? Dah!
An "all windows" down button? Not something I would have thought of, but I'd like to have one.
Every time it is mentioned that the customer "tried to fix it themselves" I know it's about to get hilarious…
How just how
eBay has a current radio commercial about "you hack the ends off your air filter to get it to fit"
Self repair is a good option. But for some persons it should be banned by law!
The level of fuckery of people "fixing" their own cars in the US never fails to surprise me. In most first world countries they'd be arrested for driving that on a public road.
Those wheel spacers look expensive.
Lol, I dont know how many times Ive seen videos about fuel vapor engine garbage