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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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If you want to submit your customer states photos/videos or car pictures, you can do so via our website.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Very common issue to see and we’ve shown it a few other times on the channel. Also if you installed something and a new issue occurs such as your vehicle not starting, double-check what you just installed. Can always save you some time and money.
0:21 Translated text from French to English. The technician sent the work order to show that’s what it actually came in for.
“It was just the height adjustment lever wasn’t clicked in place.”
0:32 “Best we can tell is since it has a new water pump, someone was refilling the degas tank and must have dropped it inside the air filter box or something. It was wedged into the throttle body pretty good.”
0:44 The customer paid to get a used engine installed and then sold the truck a week later.
1:04 From what the technician was told, they apparently had a parts store install the battery. They installed a new battery and battery hold down. No other damages/fuses blown surprisingly. The customer had driven it to the shop.
1:16 Loose battery cable the whole time. The technician tightened it up and it fixed their issue.
1:23 From what the technician was told, apparently the customer had gasoline in a washer fluid reservoir in their garage and poured it in by accident.
1:29 The vehicle also had a fuel leak. The customer did not get anything repaired and drove away.
1:41 “I took my plasma cutter to it, burned all that popcorn off, and welded it on properly. Added some plate to the underside, threw those chains out and replaced them, etc.”
1:50 “Banjo bolts provide an efficient way to seal fluid lines from leaking or contaminating other system parts.”
2:00 Power steering rack was replaced.
2:10 No extra info.
2:20 The rear differential was damaged due to the customer driving over something.
2:34 The technician said it was compression fittings that were installed as well, that were leaking. They fixed the brake lines correctly and bleed the brakes. The customer did not want tires or other repairs.
2:51 The mechanic said he replaced the lower control arms as per the customer’s request.
3:04 No extra info.
3:12 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Submit your clips/photos at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Why are Americans so dumb…?
1:59 I've always wondered if my Logitech G27 Racing Wheel does that when I plug it in. Now I know it has a bad power steering rack. Thank you for the informative video!
In these cases "Customer" has many other meanings beside person who pays in exchange for goods and/or services.
How have these people got a licence
And they are among us……….
Ah man, these videos make me feel pretty good about myself. I'm glad I know how to properly maintenance my car
I don't know much about cars but I'm smart enough to not try stuff that I don't know how to do. That's what trusted mechanics are for
Some real morons out there. Stay safe everybody else.
only in aMURIca, fuggin idiots
New definition of Trailer Trash
All of these things I saw made my whole body to hurt, I am now going to take care of my car even more
People are truly…astounding.
Gas in the washer fluid reservoir? This one made my head hurt. HOW are you operating a vehicle and not know where to put your gas?
@2:34 they…cut the control arms? To make the vehicle higher and less stable? So…they damaged a stabilizing portion of the vehicle in order to make it more inherently unstable? Please god tell me they have a dash cam, I've never seen a dodge roll 17 times uphill on a slight right turn, but by God I will pay $100 just to see the video, 2k if you can make it happen IRL.
Putting 75w-90 in an engine WTF.
When I see how fooking dumb people are…
1:25 ARE YOU KIDDING ME? this stresses me out I’m actually mad. lol
wow, some people still actually do get what they deserve.
2:03 Oh Hell Naw!
Low IQ people LOL!
Lol ppl are dumb
who the hell buys a nissan? Its in the same class as Kia, Mazda, BMW, Subaru and Mitsubishi, most of their models are pure junk.
The last one is where you call the cops immediately….all it takes is a bump or anything and that wheel is gone and it's a deadly weapon.
I've seen some weird shit in my country, but dear god, most americans should be banned from owning a car.
And ………..some of these people are actually your boss. And makes $100+k more than you.
Literally the most entertaining channel on YouTube. I can't get enough of this content
Gas in the wiper res? That's one of those that make me pause it and think of every possible idiot scenario that happened to try and sort it out and NOTHING and i MEAN NOTHING comes to mind for pouring gas into the water res, unless it was a little kid trying to help out and impress dad by doing something on his own maybe.
How else?
Idk why you started this channel but thank you. These videos remind that while you may be a cautious driver, one of these primate's rolling death trap can still be the cause of an accident
Can't fix stupid!!
My suggestion is if you are going to unwire something or take something apart put it back together the way that you found it.
Wow, people are even stupider than I imagined possible.
I audibly gasped at the control arm cuts
So humanity is doomed then?
75W-90 in the engine. Good lord