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Welcome to Just Rolled In!

For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 The engine was replaced under warranty.
0:21 Had the original engine oil and oil filter from the factory + a ton of idle hours as it’s used as a work vehicle. They didn’t mention what they ended up doing in regard to fixing this for the customer.
0:39 The customer had to pay to get a new engine installed.
“It wiped out all the bearings which is why It was knocking.”
0:53 Outer tie rod end rubs against the tire. Alignment was very off as well as the customer had installed a huge spacer on top of his struts to lift the front end.
1:02 Chevrolet Cobalt. The technician fixed the cousin’s mistakes and aligned the vehicle. They are lucky they brought it in right away to get it aligned and didn’t wait.
1:18 The technician replaced the camshaft and took apart the engine to inspect/check if the rags got stuck in any oil galleries or anywhere else.
He also mentioned he has no clue how they broke a valve cover after hitting a pothole.
1:29 The technician heard this when he started up a customer’s vehicle.
1:37 The shop advised the customer the vehicle needed to be cleaned out as everything in the vehicle is causing their concern.
1:47 That’s all loose change in the trunk of this customer’s car that was causing the noise.
1:57 “Got it fixed with x pipe and tucked up higher hopefully no more of that.”
2:03 The technician said it really happened and he could not believe his eyes when he saw these household bulbs that the customer wanted to be installed.
2:12 No extra info.
2:21 Ford F-350 – 7.3 Gas engine – issue with the head gasket.
2:31 No extra info.
2:45 The technician said it was a 2007-2010 Dodge Caliber (does not remember the exact year). Seems to be a common issue with the rear subframes on these vehicles.
2:56 A customer’s “Mad Max” vehicle came in for an alignment.
3:07 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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27 thoughts on “Customer States Brand New Audi Shut Off While Driving

  1. I had a 1996 K1500 in the shop that was DRIVEN in with a wide open brake line to the rear and a failing fuel pump. Of course it had an ignition interlock installed. Apparently he wasn’t even drunk when he decided it was a reasonable idea to drive it in.

  2. You know that just one of those pennies were a 1943 bronze wheat penny and they could open a few of their own shops. I can see at least three silver dollars.

  3. I had to learn a phrase from an old gifted shade tree to deal with ugly car anger issues, it goes: “well you don’t have to drive it. Fuck em.”

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