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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Chris Vaughn – https://www.facebook.com/ChrisVaughn89
Last clip – https://www.instagram.com/projectinlinesix/
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 As mentioned the technician isn’t quite sure how this happened and the customer did not hit a curb or an object. If you’ve seen this happen before or had a similar issue, let us know! He also mentioned it was an older Tesla Model S and doesn’t remember the mileage on it.
0:19 The customer’s insurance company paid for the damages. The technician said the customer had a very large motorhome (diesel pusher) and said they didn’t hear anything or felt anything. They only pulled off as they were flagged down by another driver. Fortunately, they didn’t drive too long like this and only damaged the front tires, wheels, and rotors.
0:30 The technician thinks that the customer was the one who did the bodywork. No extra info.
0:45 Lower and upper ball joints were causing the customer’s concern. The customer approved the repairs to get them replaced.
0:59 The technician said the customer declined repairs and said he would be back in the future to get the repairs done.
1:05 No extra info.
1:18 I was told the sound system is 24000 watts. The owner said he was going to remove the airbags and drive without them.
1:31 The technician told the owner he should get his insurance company involved as it’ll be an expensive repair for interior pieces (seats, cushions, etc.). The customer had the vehicle towed away and the technician isn’t sure what was done about the damages. He might be a farmer though if he had goats that got into his truck!
1:48 The customer’s truck just left the body shop and had the platinum badge misspelled on the driver’s side and they were installed too forward on the bed of the truck.
2:00 The customer incorrectly installed the rain guards. They need to be mounted lower onto the top of the door.
2:00 Drivers side far vent was closed. The technician opened it and it fixed the issue.
2:19 “The plastic dust cover. It just clips onto the joint flange. This one came slightly loose. You can see it trying to spin with the axle as it’s supposed to. Then it stops spinning which isn’t what it’s supposed to do. So it was making noise because it was slipping slightly on the axle flange.
A new plastic dust cover fixed the issue.”
2:28 A new tire got installed.
2:35 The customer had that little hat on the sun load temp. sensor. When it’s hard it’ll cause the lights to stay on (on automatic mode), and when the sensor can tell it’s light/bright outside it turns the lights off (on automatic mode).
3:01 The circuit should compose of battery positive cable, voltage sensing wire, and ignition wire. The voltage sensing wire and ignition wire should not be going to the battery output location.
3:08 This clip was shared with us by a viewer!
You can find more information about his build on his Instagram!
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I don't understand how some people are still alive as stupid as they are…
About tesla, I have a friend who got a 2016, high mileage, had to change brake pads and disk due to rust … He only drives using the "one pedal method", so brakes are never used xD
C10 with a 2JZ…how awesome!
2nd clip: That's one strong transmission! I'd rather pay for new wheels & tires than a new transmission.
They drive among us.
Ah so that is a sun sensor. I was wondering what it was.
There should be a law against when people refuse service for safety reasons that they shouldn’t be allowed to be on the road until said items are corrected.
Why do people bring their cars into the shop in a terrible state and then decline all repairs?
I asked my dad to check out my car because it was making a weird noise.
The Transfer case and Left Rear tyre where about to fall off.
The wheel with the broken lugs looked like a Malibu wheel. My son's Malibu had 4 broken wheel studs once and then later had 1 lug on one front wheel and 2 lugs broken on the other front wheel and another nut completely backed off threads.
what's the deal with the platinum truck
1:36 I'd be having goat for dinner for the next few weeks for sure.
Jesus, does anything on a tesla NOT explode?
When these vehicles are really unroadworthy, can they be reported?
Many years ago I worked for a big photo store chain, Wolf Camera. People would do all kinds of unholy stupid things like this with camera gear. I could go on for hours but one was a guy who brought his new Minolta in dripping soapy water. Found his kids playing with it in the bathtub and wanted it replaced under warranty. Another clown wanted warranty replacement on a tripod he tried to adjust without releasing any of the catches. He tore a leg completely off of it. There's a lot of folks out there who can't handle anything more than a pencil.
More importantly, a potential customer brought a car into a shop, but probably realized NOBODY can buy Tesla parts, including brake pads.
What is wrong with people. No brains at all.
I can definitely see that airbag being deployed by the stereo becoming the new bar for loud car audio.
EV's are far from prime time.
I didn't even know teslas had conventional brakes. What a sad feat of future engineering. Why should you need physical brakes when you can have powerful and even active electrical motor braking? Ive seen electric conversions from decades ago superior to tesla in everyway except marketing it seems.
I can relate to that … goats get into my car too and have their way
Platnium, one of the rarest elements.
Nice looking C10 at the end but that power curve looks like it's completely dead until the last 500rpm of the power band
Vaseline to get rid of a noise hahaha!! You are supposed to save that for when your are expecting an obscenely high repair bill or trying to buy an item that scalpers are targeting!!
0:44– body and paint by Three Stooges .
Don't care for the 2JZ in an old C10. Worse than ricers IMO.
Some people I swear have no common sense
Not gonna lie, I’m guilty of the hat on sun sensor one.
“…after goats got into his truck.”
That’s the most country situation I have ever heard of.
If your car is extremely dangerous to the public, mechanic's in Australia can sticker your car with a defect notice
Do these Goats have hands to "get into" a truck? That's terrifying.
Hard to keep them goats out of your car. Happens to me at least twice a week.
What scares me is to people who need serious repairs that decline them. Do I want to be on the road with that person who declined new tires which were almost bald, who is driving on icy or snowy roads (so no traction and slides real easy?). Nope, that person is an accident looking for a place to happen. Those folks scare the crap out of me.
How the heck did that Tesla break rotors break like that?
Rice in an American Truck
you sir are sad AF
"Customer declined all repairs". Liability action people. I can see the small hat baby penis sucking tribe rubbing their hands intensely.
Owners can’t maintain their cars but they can sure pin point the sounds perfectly lol
On that Beetle by "body work", do you mean, "applied the body filler like frosting on a birthday cake"?
Fucking vaseline!? Lmao okay. That's a new one for me
I am seeing things correctly: the Tesla has two calipers per disc rotor?
What do you mean, when the daylight sensor is hard?
1:58 I had to watch this clip 3 times before I spotted the spelling mistake
the 1969 chev is that all it does 137 MPH my 1.6 hdi 2008 peugeot does more than that on the flat
yikes. these people drive with all the rest of us. hope they are no where near me. how stupid are these people? guess they want a Darwin award.