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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 “A newer at the time Kenworth single cab with an automatic transmission. I don’t remember the exact details as I worked on this almost 6 years ago”. What you see in the video is with the PTO (power take-off) unit removed from the transmission. The technician almost mentioned they could not get the fluid tested as the only spot close to them could only check fluids that were a liquid and not a solid like the one shown. They think that the customer added brake fluid to the transmission as that’s an “old school” trick because it will cause the seals and clutches in the transmission to swell up and hopefully prevent slippage.
0:21 Inner air filter installed backward so the air intake hose was collapsed when the technician tried to start the engine, which lead him to the issue.
0:36 Protective film on the center console rear screen was still on.
The technician works at a Ford/Lincoln dealership so this must be a newer Lincoln model (they didn’t mention the model).
0:42 I asked the technician and he talked to the customer who really thought there were 7 gears, but as mentioned it was caused by a cracked spark plug causing a misfire under load.
0:56 Not sure why the customer had the c-clamp installed when there are bolts holding the airbag brackets into place, however, the customer wanted the axle tube welded so that’s what the shop ended up doing.
Also when the suspension is loaded (vehicle on the ground), the adjusting screw of the clamp touches the axle tube, but not shown in the video as it’s on the lift.
1:09 The technician said the customer later admitted to faking the noise in hopes of a vehicle buyback from the manufacturer. Also if you look on the bottom right of the instrument cluster you can see a hand opening and closing the center console.
1:39 First time ever seeing shock absorbers attached to a sway bar. Unsure why anybody would do this but they might have removed the front driveshaft as well as it would be hitting the shock on the driver’s side.
The truck looks to be a 7.3L Diesel Ford Super Duty.
1:49 The technician didn’t mention what caused the noise but it’s most likely coming from the window regulator.
1:57 The truck also had some body damage on the passenger side when the driveshaft broke off. As mentioned the customer had bigger leaf springs installed in the rear so a spacer isn’t needed anymore. Also, the technician said he thought that the sticker on the back window on the canopy was pretty funny to see after what happened.
2:17 New calipers were installed and the brakes were bleed.
2:28 “Mercedes A class in for injector seals ( 1.5 DCI Renault engine )” Since the brake calipers are installed on the wrong side, it would be impossible to bleed the brake calipers (the bleeder screw needs to be on top.) Brake calipers got switched around, brake hoses replaced and the brake system bleed.
2:41 The customer’s insurance company paid for the body damage after the accident, however, they refused to pay for the engine damage, and it wasn’t covered under warranty.
2:59 The universal joints that the customer installed had spots to install grease zerks, but the customer never installed them or grease the u-joints,.
New u-joints were installed and greased.
3:08 “DMC-12 with my own DIY remote door and remote bubble machine, thought this might be a world-first DeLorean that will spit bubbles.”
3:19 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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32 thoughts on “Customer States Brake Fluid Was Added To Transmission

  1. This shows that people who do this to their vehicles, should stay on a bicycle, or get a ride, or call an Uber or taxi. They don’t deserve to own a vehicle, it will be cheaper on them, and save vehicles from being destroyed by them.

  2. I just dropped off my 2009 Honda Fit at the shop and asked him to change the oil, fix the driver side window and repair the leaky windshield washer tank and to keep it all under $50. He has a sense of humo(u)r. He is the kind of mechanic I can give the car to and know it will be fixed right. And, yes, he, the other guy, the shop and the shop floor are all clean. ;o) You know the kind of shop I am talking about.

    I love your posts, keep them up.

  3. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT BUY GREASABLE UJOINTS IF YOU DO NOT PLAN TO GREASE THEM ROUGHLY EVERY 1000KMs. The needle bearings have a lower tolerance to allow for the grease, if you don't actually grease them like 90% of people, the joint will fail prematurely, kinda surprised he got 6 months out of them.

  4. I seen brake fluid in transmission as a means to trade in a car as well as a dealership trying to unload a pig with lipstick on an unsuspecting and ignorant buyer.

  5. 1:09, Nah. There's no way you're not aware of the arm rest making noise right next to you in the inside of the car. Unless they're right ear is completely deaf.

  6. My grandfather owned a garage, he had posted a sign that said add $10 to the hourly labor charge if you worked on before you brought it in. 😂

  7. Shocks mounted on sway bar links. 🤔 I'll have to remember to NEVER try that. Also It looked like there was still some installed in the factory location. so where did these mount to up top?

  8. what exactly do customers mean by "gears are slipping"? isn't that like utter bs from a mechanics perspective given they are driving torque converter automatics?

  9. Been watching these videos for years and somehow I am still amazed at some of the shit I see. Listen..if you need to be on a zoom call to have someone walk you through doing a brake job…..YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS WORKING ON AUTOMOTIVE BRAKES! Your botched brake job could cost the lives of innocent people. Idiots!

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