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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

The Denver Post’s channel:



People v. Zuniga-

People v. McKnight (Court of Appeals)-

People v. McKnight (Supreme Court)-

State v. Seckinger-

Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-3-206-

Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-1-901-

People v. Saltray-

ABA Police Function Standards-

Denver Police Department Operation Manual-


Audit the Audit

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Audit the Audit

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43 thoughts on “Cops Sued After Arresting The Student Who Called Them

  1. This has got to be one of the most confusing police interactions I've ever seen. I just can't understand what the officers were trying to do here…

  2. They have a gun and a badge, their above the law. Also pigs are trained to circumvent (get around) a citizens rights. These things happen because their never held accountable, they don’t ever hold themselves accountable !!! ACAB 1312

  3. If I were on a jury regarding this interaction, I would vote that those officers arrested him BECAUSE he wouldn't say that he was not injured by THEM!!! This seemed like retaliation to me and frankly makes me sick!!! Not to mention that after being in an accident he SHOULD have been medically evaluated especially after he stated he wasn't sure if he was injured or not.

  4. Video after video, regardless of the reason that the police are interacting with the citizens… there is one fact present throughout… each and every officer hates us and use their badge as permission to bully and often ab use us.

  5. I still have a huge problem with the fact of the many people getting locked up back in the 70's, 80's, the 90's & even through the early 2000's that were young teens r just shu of turning 21 when they were charged with federal crimes of having a single serving of small joint & weed or
    Having a small amount of weed
    & obviously not enough to be distributing or.selling it but they have been punished to the total extent of the laws
    While also having a small amount of people getting together to form a few teams working together to be a company that is distributors and the packaging & shipping team & the small groups are the growers the supply & the owners of the few legal marijuana farmers ruling the market for next while the profits are being forced to you, so I don't have the genius IQ & simple comprehension to understand why the jails are filled with the people arrested for possession of a nickel of marijuana & they've been locked up behind bars for a
    Decade at least while many states have removed the criminal charges & the federal prisons for the punishments for having any amount of marijuana or even having any paraphernalia with the apparatus used to smoke tests
    Positive for anything else besides tobacco products in a
    One hitter or any other smoking device.whilemany
    Have made it legal & some states have been legalizing marijuana for medical treatments to ease symptoms from all sorts different ailments & diseases for quite a few years prior to legalizing weed to the public without having to be diagnosed or requiring a pain management doctor while also having people lo kex.up
    & Private owned
    Prisons where the prisoners are a Currency themselves & also doing manual Slave labor going against every
    single labor laws & forced to work past the same regulations civilians have & the same rights they should be enforced .for Their safety have been stripped away from them, including 24hr work days or longer, with basic human necessities being ignored & the prisoners having major complications from the total disregard of limitations & basic human requirements,. Plus the mistreatment
    & Its all to force more profits for the owners of the jail or prison by. Not giving breaks or any time off to keep from losing any money on
    La,y sleeping worksrs😅

  6. This is why I say top should be held accountable thrown in jail be punished take their houses, their cars everything we need to get rid of this shit where they say well we didn’t know any better. You don’t know any better you shouldn’t have the fucking job it’s that simple you took the job you should know better now you’re held accountable. The courts don’t say it well then the courts need to be removed. I need to remove all the judges that sit there and say well the cops were ignoring no that’s not the way it goes. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and that’s exactly what they’ll tell you remove these motherfuckers sue the fuck out of them and take everything they have and maybe maybe just maybe they’ll get a job at McDowell.

  7. You could see why nobody trust cops they lie all the time lol I smell marijuana I do this I do that so I’m gonna search nobody trusts and this is why they die. This is why they get shot. They are lying motherfuckers and they will say anything to do whatever they want we cannot allow this in our country. Our country is based on freedom. This is ridiculous fight back do whatever you have to do to make sure your freedoms are safe. Your rights are protected. Do not let these people run over you it’ll end up exactly like Nazi Germany.

  8. The way officers walk aggressively to an American it's actually a great you want to know why it's a great idea because it shows an American who doesn't have a gun walking up to a a cop who's actually beholden to that American clearly is not fit to be a cop if you can't handle some words pussies 🤣

  9. The thing is cops don't they want to commit violence against everybody they come across and on American soil that's a f**** problem for the state because the state is allowing it and as far as I'm concerned my Constitution that was given to me by seven men that were friends with George Washington you all are fucked the day I decide to stand on that Constitution and use it against the state and its dogs or the you all are fucked you may think that document to show you want to come into the courtroom and talk about it it's a show but unfortunately for you you're going to find out otherwise it's not a document for show it's literally what was discussed in making this democracy stay floating because it's most definitely not on no solid ground just look at how the way our cops are acting that's domestic terrorism 😡

  10. Was a medic in Denver for 17 years and ran 100's of calls with DPD identical to this one. The interaction with the officer discussing potential injuries generated by interaction with the other officer would have resulted in that ambulance turning around and returning to the scene immediately. The fact that he did not end up in the back of an ambulance with a ride to the hospital is definitely atypical.

  11. This one time I heard my uncle telling a story of him and my auntie getting pulled over. I have no idea what happened but at the end he said "You didn't detect Shit except for your own Shit." That would been awesome to see!

  12. This is why I don’t really call cops. I’ve had situations where I’ve called the cops for help and then they start investigating me like I did something wrong. I don’t care for their help and I don’t want to be bothered by them

  13. The officers will never answer up front why they are arresting anybody. They tell them that they'll make it known to them shortly. Then their body cams always get some mysterious glitch, while the officers have a "side bar" while they get their stories straight. Then they make the guys actions more severe, so then they tell the other officers that come on the scene how the victim was acting in a threatening manner and had to be detained. They will also silence the victim and tell their superior officer the expanded version of what actually happened.

  14. Why the cops made ot worse for themselves with a retaliatory arrests and further 4th amendment violations is beyond me, that went from 50000 to 100000 tax dollars real quick.

  15. These cowards are just trying to violate people's rights because of the corrupt Justice system that allows these road pirates to violate rights with impunity. They should just get off of the road and do something that they are qualified, like flipping burgers at McDonalds.

  16. That cop was so irritated that Mr. Hill would not absolve his officers of any liability and thus the reasons he had to then arrest him because they had put hands on him and thus had to justify it when he wouldn't let them off the hook.

  17. Cops use that, I smell Marijuana, all the time. I have long hair as a man so I’ve gotten it a few times when I was younger. The only thing they saw was Black skin and Mr. Hill was going to be guilty of something.

  18. Kid was just in an accident fuming with adrenaline and this man child of a tyrant pulls some napoleon short man complex shit? He’s also a fucking lair cause I don’t see no DUI or possession charges. And you know they’d be field testing his ass if they found any.

  19. DAMMN!! This guy was racially profiled in 2 completely separate Audit the Audit vids! That's too crazy, makes it hard for ppl to deny it happens.

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