In this video we are going to look at a new study that shows how quitting smoking might not be as hard as you thought, if you use …
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It wont help because most smokers smoke soon as they smoke weed because it makes the high better. Cbd will be the same way.
Can you please please please do a video on oregon's ban on cbn.


I use THC to not smoke cigarettes.
I used the nicotine gum, 20 years ago. Ganja Rules!
Nicotine vaping is life saving.
People become so adjusted to all the additives that natural tobacco alone doesn’t seem right to typical cigarette smokers
hundred percent credit cbd with getting me off benzos. couldn't even take a quarter mg less a day without having withdrawal symptoms and godawful anxiety and with cbd I only tapered for maybe two weeks max.
Its fuckin insane how addictive they are. I quit benzos and meth but cant stop smoking cigarettes.
I'm really to see your solution for smoking with no smell. Now i don't know if it's just me being paranoid bus i resource to edibiles which can be more expensive. Do have a solution that would help me out (vape)
Idk man, when you think about where we are as a society, and how our country is falling apart, I honestly have no interest in quitting.
Weed helped me stop sigs and fill so much better
…..bro, it was the vape that you got used to, with synthetic nic. not the CBD, imo
I just used juul for a year strictly and one day I just gave it up.
Cbds a big scam
I love smoking spiffs, it keeps my tolerance a bit lower, stretches my herb, helps it smoke smoother and often better tasting, and I like the nicotine buzz. But I never smoke straight tobacco. I only use American spirit tobacco too.
I haven’t smoked a cigarette in over 4 months I’m so stoked Ismoked almost 20 years but in the end I hated it and it was stupid expensive. I am still smoking bud I don’t ever really plan on quitting cannabis except for tolerance breaks. But other than cannabis I quit cold turkey and yes I did have a bit of a temper and a little anxiety but as soon as I smoked or took a dab the cravings were pretty much gone. Thanks Cannabis another reason it is awesome.
Wanna know why you never manage to quit, no matter what you try?
You actually don't want to. Unless you want it with your whole being, you will never do it.
You will manipulate yourself into believing it's almost impossible to quit. Once you are sure you are ready to let go, don't forget to say your goodbyes to tobacco in your way. How do you let go ? It for sure isn't by holding on tighter
It's not the nicotine in cigarettes that's addictive its all te toxins they put in.
Quick question, What do I need to add to my content to keep it from being reported for child safety? If it's sesh videos.
they got CBD hemp flower as well. cud easily just substitute that for cigarettes until youre off, heard this for years now and now its so cheap people with the smoking fixations could benefit a lot from this id imagine.
patch and vape help me
I smoked for over 24 years I quite cigarettes by vaping. Yes instill vape but I don't not smoke as much I did an I don't waste my money through the week or month cause the vaping is way better than cigarettes in many ways. So if this works more they need put it out.
Yes it can
I quit cold turkey 20 years ago. I was super committed. Never had another cigarette.
CBD causes the liver to overproduce whats called "drug metabolizing enzymes". These enzymes convert fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble form to then be expelled from the body. Therefore undoing the damages of Fatty Liver Disease. You'll feel better while smoking cbd and you'll not want to switch back to something that would make you worse.
LSD helped me quit.
Your a gangster
I will say, smoking weed has helped me quit vaping.
No CBD doesn't help….not me or anyone I know
Cool episode