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Former Jackass and MTV star Bam Margera is wanted after an alleged altercation with his brother, CKY drummer Jess Margera inside of a home on Sunday.

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37 thoughts on “Bam Margera Wanted by Police After Altercation with Brother Jess Margera

  1. It’s karma that he used to beat up on his dad and Don Vito now he’s looking more like his old man every time I see him

  2. Bam has always been in the spotlight since he was a child. If drugs and alcohol is all he has left, then he may see his family and friends as obsticles getting in the way of what he thinks is true happiness. after years of living a life others wanted him to live his last agency he can see is his ability to fuck hmself and others up. I hope Bam doesnt overdose or hurt himself or others. However, much like Aaron Carter, Bam, has had alot of his life stolen from him. what happens happens at the end of this line, and the result will be entirely Bams fault

  3. Bam magera has always been a selfish, unfunny pos whose rise to fame consisted of halfway decent skateboarding tricks and endlessly harassing his parents.

  4. Who would of thought that a person who disobeys the law, destroys public property, abuses drugs and alcohol doesn't care about themselves or anyone else's safety and or well being all for a television show on a so called music network would later in life fall so hard. I feel bad for Bam but who could not see this coming? He has been a spoiled brat who is now getting his karma. I hope he gets the help he needs or is put away for his and everyone else's safety until he is better.

  5. Gross how people wanna jump to think hes a bad guy did anyone stop and think maybe the family is just manipulating piece of crap just trying to make him look bad. Lets all not forget what Britney Spears family did to turn people against her to make it seem she is not in her right mind.

  6. Ever since Ryan Dunn was sacrificed, I mean accidentally killed, Bams been on a hard downward spiral. I saw him talking about it and he acted like he was trying to cry but it looked really forced and put on. Probly just an off day for him but hope the Lord will deliver him of addiction and he can turn his life around. It’s the only way I was able to beat 20 yrs. of addiction. I quit 20 plus years of anti depressants with no withdrawal signs. No way that should have been possible without God.

  7. Kids talking about mental health problems like you understand what they are.

    Should keep quiet about things you know nothing about before karma finds its way to you for being D**cks

    Karma will find its way to you 😊

  8. He wants to keep living in the old days. He needs to understand that those days are dead and gone, and he’s never gonna be his 21 year old self again. Bam……please brother. Get help. Whatever it possibly takes, GET HELP!!!! After Ryan Dunn, we simply cannot afford to lose yet another Jackass legend. The old days are gone brother, it’s time to grow up and face reality……

  9. Everyone has always cared, except for Bam. It's not like he'd even have that many dues to pay either with all he's got already. I'm sorry but if he can't shape up at the next country club rehab he goes too having all that support I feel like there's probably something psychopathic going on pathologically.

  10. Omg! I can’t believe Bam is stooping as low as to threaten his mom and dad now! I’ve lost respect for him now officially. Don’t care if I read he drank himself to death or OD’d whatever his Vice is. Fuck him I’ve ALWAYS been a fan of Bam but at some point people take their blatant selfish and self destructive mindsets and start spilling it on others and in his case his own family!

  11. How has Bam been up for a week Jess? How is that possible when he is on camera doing an interview one week ago today and he clearly is just a little buzzed and this story is days old?!

  12. His friends would be nothing especially johny Knoxville which is not his real name and his parents would be broke no one would know Steve o, just watch of how he was screwed out of jackass and

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