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AYG comedy podcast presents stand up comedian and podcast host Jared Freid! Jtrain returns to answer your questions and talk …


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36 thoughts on “AYG Comedy Podcast: Jared Freid Returns!

  1. Noob to the patreon gang, love it fellas. Thanks for the refreshing content and the laughs. I'm evangelizing AYG to my friends like El Padrino over here preaching Leviticus.

  2. This is Jared promoting his new special (saw it and it's kind of meh) and Foley/Ryan helping him with his giant plug. But it's kind of nice seeing comedians helping each other out and I wish more industries were like this.

  3. Another great episode. Thanks guys. Also, I was watching a home improvement show today and they were talking about the garage. I was waiting for them to ask if there was a fridge in the garage, then I remembered I wasn’t watching Are You Garbage!!!

  4. Damn, as a man of fat culture my McDonald’s breakfast order is, and I quote yesterday “2 burritos, 2chicken McGriddles, a sausage McGriddle, and two egg McMuffin meal (so I get a hash brown) and an orange juice.” But they ended up giving me 4 hashbrowns. I never try to hide its just for me tho I probably should. But bright side I gave one of the McMuffins and hashbrowns to my wife and that’s why I’m all class baby.

  5. Damn, as a man of fat culture my McDonald’s breakfast order is, and I quote yesterday “2 burritos, 2chicken McGriddles, a sausage McGriddle, and two egg McMuffin meal (so I get a hash brown) and an orange juice.” But they ended up giving me 4 hashbrowns. I never try to hide its just for me tho I probably should. But bright side I gave one of the McMuffins and hashbrowns to my wife and that’s why I’m all class baby.

  6. man, i made it about 40 mins in, had to take a break from this guys self love, back today and this guy is still interrupting the podcast to talk about how much he knows. =( – this is business trash (but i love you guys, just havent hit a bad ep. yet- it has to happen at some point )

  7. T-Bone McMuffin needs a working microphone AND a camera on him. You don’t need to cut to him all the time, but every once-in-a-while would be nice. T-BONE!!

  8. I live and breathe for the dopamine rush of Monday and Thursday when I get to hear these two angelic voices and see Toby's proverbial 'hog' in the form of this fresh production style. Thanks for catalyzing a 1 hour state of euphoria two days a week

  9. Just got back from mcdz & was about to sit down & eat my Big Mac & I thought I wonder if Foley likes big mac’s & then I caught myself like asking if Foley likes Big Mac’s is like asking if someone breaths.
    Like of course dude I do it everyday lol

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