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Trap Lore Ross
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Famous is a great song, the line is iconic piece of absurdist humor, and he never needed her permission in the first place. I think Taylor was dishonest about the fact that she did approve of its most outrageous part (the sex). I don't understand why anyone who isn't a Taylor partisan would be outraged. That said the VMA incident, the music video, and most other things Kanye has done are completely asinine.
Yo the current commercial is the best part of the video. You are a funny ass dude bro. So glad I found this channel!
Bro going in on Kim
"Im sorry for rushing the stage while you were accepting an award, I wrote a song for you that is so beautiful, I want you to have it.. if you don't want it I'll find you and perform it for you" has major stalker vibes
Not a kanye fan, but that Leno interview where Jay was asking what his recently deceased mother would think of his regrettable actions was too far beyond cringe.
You're such a Beyonce hater. Go wank to her
4:42 sorry but kanye quickly shrugging before he gives the mic back is the funniest fucking thing in the world
kkkornyeisha been a punk, he only beef with lil young white girls like taylor swift or girly white dudes that smash his wife, er ex wife lmaoooo
kkkornye a delusion drama queentard
how tf you make taylor famous
when you ran on stage during her award acceptance?
if anything she made you more famous for being an even bigger dbagtard lmao
did she smoke some before goin up there? yea kkkornyeisha rolled up some crack in her blunt. lmao
when kkkornye went on stage to interrupt taylors acceptance, will smith shouldve ran up on stage and slapped him like chris rock lmao
lay leno bringin up dead mommy lmao
buster looked like she was havin flashbacks of belt beatings that probably never happened or else it wouldnt act half this stupid all the time now
only kkkornyeiesha weirdst outburst i respected was when she said GEORGE BUSH DOESNT CARE ABOUT BLACK PPL
little did i know until a decade or 2 later, that she hates black ppl LMAO
welll kkkornye ruined her award for one then on top said she owes him sx. thats 2 good reaosns to hate that weirdo creep on top of many more that dont involve her
20:20 some funny shi
Whole thing was staged bruh they got matching dresses and everything foh lmfao
I honestly don’t think that Kanye thought it through and sometimes loses the ability to understand what he’s doing in general. He’s also right a lot as well though.
It seems like Kim and Kanye wanted to bully Taylor into doing whatever they want, but realised she's no punk, so they destroy her character in the media. It's like taylor says in her song Call it what you Want : "I brought a knife to a gun fight."
Damn that song in the current ad at the beginning tho!!! That shit bangs dude
The real hero is Beyonce. Such a class act on her behalf. What a lucky man Jay is.
This guy does not sound like he like Kanye a whole lot
Honestly this moment was the price Taylor paid for being born into wealth and already having a foot in the door to make it in the industry when regular people with genuine real talent will NEVER get the opportunities to showcase it on the world stage.