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Trap Lore Ross

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Trap Lore Ross

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29 thoughts on “Why Everybody Hates Russ (Including Russ)

  1. Russ's (American) last couple albums Chomp 1 and 2 were dope as hell. He had a lineup of the best rappers of all time as features and he can rap his ass off. In today's landscape where everything is autotune filled trap rap his albums were a breath of fresh air. Since when is telling people not to use drugs a bad thing? Look at the rappers that criticize him. They're all garbage

  2. I know someone who US Russ is their favorite rapper singer whatever you want to call him. But dude I know is a dick now since he started listening to russ, used to be chill as F we used to hang out and smoke and everything, hell nah not anymore.

  3. I hate people that say that they broke and work a 9 to 5.. Guess what buddy theres such thing As mc hammer and Mike Tyson and plenty of other rich people that have gone bankrupt so Be careful with your words..

  4. Trap Lore Ross, could you do a video on Tech N9ne's gang affiliations? He says in his songs that he "runs with red rags" [from the song Come Gansta] and anyone who has heard of him knows he fucks with the ol Juggalo's. Just can't find anything online dedicated to taking a deeper look into it, and if anyone can it's you G.

  5. Y’all bogus on the “street cred” bullshit that don’t mean shit… big fuxkin deal tons of cats got street cred where they at? Dead, behind bars, drugged up in an alley, they kids and family living hard…. FOH with street cred, I’ll take no cred and be a real fuxkin man.

  6. I think the american russ is a good guy. he is genuine and he did it all himself and when he said that the producer should be blamed for a bad song too is true. As a music producer myself I have observed that producers just look for the most trending song and make type beats to go famous. The producer should have the spirit and soul too. the artist can't make a song that good without the music producer having the same spirit and soul.

  7. Good on Russ for not glorifying drugs, but that shirt calling drug addicts losers is pretty much just as stupid.
    For someone who is so "self made" he should understand how difficult it is to quit and everything that goes along with it. He doesn't seem like he has any experience with addiction, either personally or people he knows.

    Would he call someone who smoked cigs and was dying of cancer a "loser"?
    Or someone genetically predisposed to morbid obesity? We all know that addiction can run in families.

    It's one thing to say "Kids don't do drugs",
    It's totally different to say "I'm better than you because you couldn't escape something you were born into".
    I don't know for sure if he has experience with addiction in his family, but I feel like if you haven't lived it, don't speak on it.

    Not saying he's a culture vulture or racist, but in some ways, he is saying that he does traditionally black music better than black people, and that he is morally superior to many people from a predominantly black culture, because he "doesn't glorify" something (drug addiction) that has been devastating black communities FOREVER. However, as far as I know, he doesn't know what it's like to grow up in an environment where drugs are so readily available and acceptable to use. Rappers can influence kids to do drugs for sure, but when he speaks about other artists influencing kids to get hooked and how he doesn't do that, he's effectively blaming a community wide, inter-generational public health crisis (meth, lean, heroin, fent, meth, alcohol, tobacco) on artists who are actually victims of the health crisis itself.
    Of course drug addicts will glorify drug use, especially when they don't think they have a problem. But Russ should take a step back to realize that any disease's ultimate goal is to spread. Addicts become sick people who will spread the disease of addiction to other people who are susceptible to it.

    But of course someone with an ego like Russ, will credit their non-use of drugs to their iron-clad will power (rather than privilege, good upbringing, strong social networks, and a lot of good luck) and over-inflate his own ability to influence someone not to use as well as everyone elses' ability to do the opposite, ultimately making it about him rather than teen drug abuse.

    Also I'd just like to point out that, while there is plenty of glorification out there, there is a lot of reflection too; often by the same artists. At the the end of the day, the sincere, honest stories of desperation told by former or current addicts through music, art, or any other form do more to dissuade young people from using than Russ saying you're a loser if you use Xan or Lean.

    If I see my brother get shot dead right in front of me, I'll most likely end up on drugs, especially if they're part of my regular environment. Ain't no amount of ignorant boasting dressed up as concern for the youth from Russ gonna change that.

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