Tommy Chong is a comedy legend, the original marijuana icon, and a masterfully epic storyteller.
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Happy 420

I think who Tommy was trying to think of was the actor Robert mitchum because in the late 1950s got arrested for possession of marijuana
Love how he compares the strength of weed to the juiciness of apples. When in reality the juiciness of Apples has most certainly changed Lmfao. Don’t take science advice from a guy famous for being a stoner
"is eli still alive?" Lmfaoo
Two legends could this get any better

Don’t change your voice, Steve O, it’s part of your charm.
Great video. Love Tommy for over 50 years.
please more
Steve O wheres Wee man at lolz.

Question I would have asked Tommy, "do u still write music" song he wrote for Bobby Taylor was a masterpiece, he could have went as far with the music as with the comedy and herb culture, awesome talent, and one cool dude 4 sho
he said, "oh no, nobody was really smokin back then, jst me!" lol
Living legend! Love those stories; I hope Tommy is writing this stuff down if he hasn't already, this is gold!
In 1989 my friends parents grew in 2 houses on a privet street. It took a year or 2 but in 1991 they had what would be the Equivalent of today's top.cultivars. they also made honey oil. Same as hash oil today. We just didn't have the vape tools to consume it properly.
I Love Tommy Chong a true American Hero!
I'll never forget the first time i saw Cheech and Chong hell yeah we need more pot heads and less methed up prom queens turning into the bag whores
Steve-O's voice sounds painful and terrible, as If he was straining to just speak.
The Last Detail was filmed in Toronto
It's amazing to me how uneducated the king of pot is about pot…
20:11 lol
Robert Mitchum. That’s the famous pothead actor Chong was talking about.
What's Tai stick man?
You know, that stuff that's tied to a stick.
That was cool Steve !
Man, did he get some jackass that sent fentanyl on a letter or something? Poor guy. Smart, seemingly, too.
Thanks for this Steve-O. My dad loved Cheech and Chong.
"Hot sauce for your butt hole"? Seriously? Burns going in and burns coming out. Naw… I'll pass. I'm a wuss when it comes to chili.
Love the dimebag Darrell Washburn on chongs wall
You almost forget chong was a body builder.
Robert Mitchum, was the first famous actor to be a pot smoker. He got a year in jail for1joint.
sickk show SSTEVE-O!
Too many damn interrupting advertisements.
Humphrey Bogart of "don't be a Bogart" fame famously smoked on stage and wouldn't share
For a historic stoner he doesn’t know much about the plant itself lol. You don’t smoke the pollen buddy
Brilliant story teller
Is that a dimebag guitar on the wall ?
I didnt know this happened
My funny story: Pro Se in federal court
The sidebar: (5:18-cv-01436-KK April 5, 2022 Jeff Cook v San Bernardino sheriff deputies Jones and Lopez)
So we approach and I hand Judge Kato the printout of the 107.7 news story about CI Desiree Guererro’s bust for dealing meth and the $50,000 bail noted in the article. I said I was going to ask her where she got the bail money. County Council Heidi Williams immediately chirps up, because Guererro has just denied ever having a felony, and starts blabbing about how the 2020 case is still in the courts,…..hmmmmm, ya know, they are holding up on letting her off to see how her confidential informant testimony goes. And that’s going to play into my hands, as usual, because the next thing I say to Kato, is that I have the case numbers for the Guererro felonies, and Williams starts chirping real fast, because, that’s actually two counts of perjury, because Guererro denied both incidents.
First, I’d like to thank god for me being so ____ing smart and devastatingly manipulative as to pull that off, because Kato will not let absolutely anything in, and only by being pushy as side bar do I pull it off. Ya, now she’s confronted with a situation, with Williams readin about the bust Over Kato’s shoulder, and Williams loses her nerve and falls apart. Between you and me, Ida shut my mouth and looked fat and dumb, her specialty. And that’s not an insult, there’s no hiding that, and those high heels, we were all wincing watching her walk, I was going to complain to the judge that a display like that had no place in federal court, but after a while, she started to look good in a Kafkaesque kinda way, anyway back to the case.
I’m feeling like a lion at a kill, before the hyenas close in. Remember I’m one of only two men in the courtroom, me and one guy in the jury, the two cops are no men, they’re cowards and I called them that. So I’m in complete charge, but the fix is in, and the jury is already pro police, but I DON’T KNOW THAT YET AND SO IT DOESN’T FAZE ME.
So, Kato lets me redirect Guererro to her two counts of perjury and she admits to the crimes. It was, kinda like a one punch fight, no contest, and by then there’s a crowd of white law enforcement in the audience and they’re tryin to intimidate me, but I’m on a roll, I mean a mofo roll and it all comes out. I’ve deluded myself into thinking the deputies in the audience are interested in the truth, but on a break I try and chat one of them up and he turns hostile.
But, before we leave that sidebar I also ask Kato to check the case number for Officer Jones’ felony (VC M23152(A) SWM 1407320) and she refuses, letting him deny it in open court and he also denies any knowledge of the Watchlist (S4MR4Z2D1) which I have already put into evidence including the case number for that, Williams sat on her hands and I got that into the record including the denials. As I recall, Kato tells me I can’t go back to the Jones felony until we readdress it at another time, which is NEVER!
But, I’m not tryin to make Kato look bad, she did good, the best she could, and under the circumstances, knowing that I would never get jury of my peers. So why risk looking liberal while her confirmation is going on and she gave me enough rope to hang them. This beast is a mammoth and I’m just a guy with a spear, I’ll hafta move on ta something heavier to bring em down. So,…..
I notify Judge Bernal that the manipulation of evidence in deposition happened on his watch, that’s what the State bar wanted, and the IA investigation into Jones’ denial of the felony and watchlist, and copied the FBI Monday morning, that’s their Watchlist!
I think what’s goin on, is that Jones cleared that felony somehow to retain his firearm permit, but didn’t go back far enough to remove the conviction from his record. It has to be him, but they denied it. I wondered at the time why they let me put it into evidence including the case numbers in my redirect of Jones. But, the foundation was not an accusation, but why was this appearing on his credit report, they can’t touch me for that and Kato didn’t admonish me.
Tommy’s a sharp cookie, should have never been sentenced to prison.
We need another podcast with Tommy!
Paul's voice tho
Mad love for Tommy Chong man! Thank you Steve-O!
"My Mamma talkin to me try to tell me how to live…."
Steve-O looks so happy just to be there!
You're favourite Cheech and Chong Movie, go!
What's your favourite Cheech and Chong Movie? Mine is in-between Things Are Tough All Over and Nice Dreams.
I just want to say that in 2022, I love my son Anderson W. E. if ever you watch this, never forget, your father adores you.
Fresh hang with Tommy Chong here: