Why does your bag have 2 different THC%’s on it? What is different about THC-A? Let’s find out… JOIN THE STRAIN SHOW …
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I ordered some GG4 from arete hemp and couldn't tell a difference in it from my dispo bud aside from flavor
Omg I don’t usually comment but no fucking way. No, a “vaporizer” for flower is NOT gonna get you as stoned nug for nug as much as like a volcano would. I would know from experience. Bowls def hit much more
Hello! I love your video and have been watching it for about a year or two. I live in a state where marijuana is illegal but hemp-derived products are legal, and I believe that working in this industry is my destiny. Although I don't want to get too spiritual, I am a Christian and would like to wish you a happy Easter. I have written a book called "The Unbiased Neurology behind Marijuana," which covers how cannabis affects various disabilities and diseases. The book is well-written and includes lecture notes that I've written by hand. However, not everything in the book is included in the lecture notes. The book is designed to teach someone who knows nothing about marijuana everything they need to know. I would say that even a middle schooler could understand it.
I wanted to let you know that I have learned everything there is to know about marijuana and I am always eager to learn more. For example, in this video, I learned something new about THC-A turning into THC through heat. Although I knew about RSO oil, I didn't know about THC-A's effect on the brain. I was thrilled to learn about it! It's worth noting that THC also binds to organs other than the brain, such as the stomach and muscles. This is why Hyperemesis Cannabinoid Syndrome occurs. I think you should cover this topic for us. By the way, applying capsaicin paste to the stomach should alleviate the symptoms.
I am curious about how THC-A would affect other organs such as the stomach, bladder, kidneys, and liver. I wonder if uncarboxylated cannabinoids could have adverse effects on the body, or if they could actually be helpful in the killing of bad mitochondria cells, cancer cells, viruses, and bacteria. It's just something to think about.
Also thca converts at .877 so multiply that with the thca percentage and you get the true decarb thc percentage
I been smoking on thca for a yr now and I will say yeah there's just a fuzz difference in it but pretty much not to noticeable at all or I wouldn't have been buying it like that.Aweso vid though and hopefully it will show alot of people it the same thing no worries
People in legal states HATEZ THCA they get so mad when they see it in hemp shops in the more strict states. I really don't understand this. They call it "fake weed" these people annoy me so much fake stoners
They smoke everyday all the time but won't spend more than 5 mins to research
I think the main point is you won't get any of the benefits of THCA once you've applied heat
I use THCA diamonds bc you have a limited amount of medical marijuana per month in Florida. They come via mail unterped and derived from hemp so legal. I just mix it in a dab rig with Banana Kush distillate from trulieve and im good
was eerie as hell when he said you already have a lighter in your hand… and I did
This is one of the best weed videos I've seen on the net.
can you explain the difference between cbd and gba? some flowers i get are thc/gba, and others have thc/cbd, and then thc+f? LOL what are we buying.
Two things you never go wrong with; “less is more”, & “low & slow”
Yo! I work in the industry and after finding your channel I've recommended your videos to everyone interested in looking for some coherent information about cannabis. Thanks for making these easily digestible videos that anyone can get something useful out of when it comes to cannabis information. Appreciate you brotha!
WTF did I do? Bout 10 years ago I got this “vape” gimmick…plugged in, looked like an electric toothbrush and base. I thought it sucked but I paid about $150 I think so it took a few years to toss it. Lighter is fine, I’ll make a pre roll last 3 days pouring it in a one hitter box.
That's why snoop microwaves his blunts.
Nothing, they're the same thing. THCa is the acid form.
Just a thought more on this. IF ya want to get high go to a stoner and buy it. The LESS MEDICAL marijuana products sold on the streets used for recreation can ONLY HELP the legalization process. Please let us do our jobs, FIRST is medical THEN recreational. THEN no limits on cannabinoids and Thc levels Thank You, RDR
I'd have to disagree on using vaporizer. 1) In Ohio law you can only smoke flower in a vaporizer on LOW HEAT ( I can't really see them wanting ya to get the most out of one hit.) 2) it taste like plastic,( small vaporizer) 3) for what is put in vaporizer (1 hit!) I can roll a small joint multiple hits for a day Thanks, RDR
Keep it up man always love the science behind the plant !
Let’s do something homie
Dude awesome channel, i subbed
I'm so stoned.. It seems like the voice doesn't go with the guy.
And THC-A HAS NO EFFECT AT ALL!!!!!! How can you know SO LITTLE about something, that you obviously value more than anything? Fucking American…………..
You also forget to mention the well known side effects, and that projects an addict excusing for his use, rather than someone who actually knows, what they are talking about… I cannot belive that I have to explain this – No wonder the world thinks, that all weed smokers are dumb…..
Okay, YOU MUST BE VERY NEW TO THIS…. ALL of your videos, are about the stuff that I was interested in, when I was 14 (yes I smoked back then, and YouTube wasn't around). How can an adult be so obsessed, with something that should have COMPLETLY passed, by the age of 21? The worst thing about it, is that your personality stops evolving, when you are about 25 years old – Which means you will stay in this state, for the rest of your life….. I ain't inviting you to MY smoking events, that's for sure…………. Leave America to fuck everything up. People in Europe are gonna see this, and use it as a statement to keep it illegal……. You don't even try to sound just a little intelligent….. FUUUUCKK!!!!!!
You should really shave your head
You never talked about what ever happened to international oddities legal buds
I have a B Zero vaporizer by Cannabis Hardware and it has improved the effects of my medicine, and it takes less to medicate.
Love my thca concentrates hash raw balls, great pain relief
, love thc as well but for inflammation n pain relief thca all day
First strip club in Dallas-Fort Worth Texas and before that any woman in town had to drive her ass to Houston to legally shake it for money and yes drugs and alcohol and naked women
was fun until you get actually accused of being pimps and Madam's!
And how about a celebrity endorsement Willie Nelson can verify this or deny it
So can you add trinity river green to your chart
because actually the blonde Afghanistan hash bud plant is the most likely candidate I could come up with for either the mother of or father that is O.G Kush!
He he said that his friend work national geographic and they sent him a film canister with 10 seeds in it and a block of hash I had a king cobra stamped on it I need 20 of those seeds grew to be 30 ft tall with buds as big as your arm about the size of a pecan tree
with a huge trunk and tall and it looks so much like another plant like another tree that he said he took somebody out there and he was leaning up against it and he said look up cuz he was asking how long do we have to keep walking
My cousin went to college on full scholarship and learned how to grow marijuana for the government and his work was to breed as many species as possible and make it only produce THC an they said he was successful and those plants would not flower and would turn really dark green and die! But you could smoke it an it would get you high high
back in idk the 80's and some of the specific plants I remember where!! A blonde Afghanistan hash bud plant that they said tasted like hash that you would have found in Amsterdam and that he had made the BET before with smokers get it wasn't hash it was marijuana buds just from the smell of it Oh Ah you got some hash!