Ive almost been arrested, kicked out and so much more…maybe History class isn’t so bad! (Intended For The 18 & Over)
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So lets start this up….this is a wild one!!!
Story 1 …my uncle and I were just drinking and chilling like we always did….but 1 Burger King trip almost changed everything.
Story 2 is just one more thing added to the list of me getting in trouble….then she kicked me out hahaha.
Story 3 is a lesson on why you should try your best to avoid gangbangers….sometimes they are just trippin off nothing.
Thank you guys so much for watching Skipping Class : STORY TIME
Thank you to https://www.instagram.com/charliedepew/?hl=en for filming
Thank you to https://instagram.com/drastic_graphics?igshid=99attat09m11 for editing
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Dope As Yola
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I think the tour bus was from your school and you walked in on some of your school
yola your uncle john looks like walter white bro
no disrespect tho
skraps wwhen they old ass foos is kinda scary but a strap or a shiv will get em down rq
When I was a sophomore I faked sick at the nurses office but my mom and dad knew I was faking but sometimes I would get away with it
16:11 "im tryna reason with my mom to let me destroy her property"
you're hilarious, genuine and a great story teller
Going to court for skipping rn thinking about this vid

most funniest fat dude on yt
love you story's Yola
Watching a video about skipping class while skipping class
i swear to god your my favorite person ever, amazing personality and amazing content, ive been binge watching you for hours
Okay I never ditched, and that “good job” was nice
I had the same experience with sureños
Lol got pressed by sureños
Bro is litterly the on out person I know that can make a 30 min video and I actually watch all the way threw without skipping
Man you have a sick ass uncle bro
Dude I love this
Thomas fr, you be changing my moods sometimes I be just sitting there overthinking shit stressed and I just watch these story times roll up a joint and laugh, smile I just have a good time and I appreciate it bro keep up the good work boss I hope one day I see you bro
You should make longer story times
fuck manscaped that shit pinched my balls
It's a cell phone for your duck lol
"You know the SAT testing" literally the fucking S A T
I love your story times
You know the story is good when he ain’t even hitting the joint
The only YouTubers ads I'll watch cus they're so goddamn funny and entertaining
Still such a good ep
He was on one in the voice got me weak

Just caussaley rolls king kings finger now u better smoke it down to a stinger
What are they going to chase you on the bus you should have left