Rachel Feinstein talks about the differences between a douche and a tool, her mom’s overwhelming personality and being hit on by Jenna Jameson.
Amy Schumer Presents Rachel Feinstein: Only Whores Wear Purple
Original airdate: April 23, 2016
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Just erased everything because I had nothing nice to say.
Are the ridiculous shoes part of the humor? They make her feet look huge! I guess some people might find them funny. I'm NOT disrespecting her, she is beautiful and funny.
Rachel, feel free to leave if you need to. That means get a glass of really cold water and drink it, it works.
During the days of the ROMAN EMPIRE only the EMPOROR or a very successful General was aloud to wear PURPLE. Anyone else caught wearing Purple would be excicuted.
Not so funny. I'm just glad both Amy and Rachel look as if they haven't missed a meal. End Zionism.
Are there like 40 people in the audience or am I missing something?
32:46 is that michael myers in the back?
Rachel's pretty cute for a Christless chic
Seeing Amy Schumer in the first ten seconds of this was enough to deter me from watching it any further :/ sosry
Gotta love those BFTs
She is hilarious. Thank you!
In the comedy special "Women who Kil"…R. Feinstein stole the show.
In the comedy special "Women who Kil"…R. Feinstein stole the show.
Amy the only way you’ve paved is to the buffet table and the way for people who steal jokes..
They hold it because they PMS daily. Pms= private master____ session. Also they walk around dick blind.
5 minutes in, is unfunny garbage
The whole time I couldn’t stop staring at her feet it looked like her feet were too small and she was gonna slip out of her shoes
AI is giving hand jobs now.
Had trouble sleeping. Found this and was cured after five minutes.
It’s a no for me.
Gave it 15 minutes, not even a smile, thanks for wasting my time.
How is Amy Schumer as famous as she is with the amount of joke thievery she's done over the years? Is it her uncle?
Jewish hey
Welp being that purple is my ex favorite color without evening starting the show I agree with everything she says lol
10 minutes of watching not a single laugh.
I can't wait to see her satirize Lauren Boebert!
the shoes, for an hour, i can't relax into this bc any woman who's wearing them is on a cognitively dissonance-d parallel path and that is sad bc she is brilliant
I quit listening after six minutes. Lame jokes.