We started from soda cans and bottles…..vapes will never be the same after this!!! (Intended for the 18 & over)
Make sure to peep Dope As Yola website for more info
So we have had many different pens/vapes on the channel before but NOTHING like this….this is next level!!! Airgraft contacted me and asked if I wanted to checkout their new product…after reading the info I was more than curious….after trying it I was a little shocked on how far smoking has come….so stoked to see this happen!!!
Thank you guys so much for watching Most Advanced Vape Ever : Airgraft
Thank you to https://www.instagram.com/charliedepew/?hl=en for filming
Thank you to https://instagram.com/drastic_graphics?igshid=99attat09m11 for editing
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We just got some in Ohio in our medical program. Can't wait to try them. It's new to us and I've watched this when you dropped it.. man the help you are providing. Hope you and Marty are doing well
Yooo this makes it possible for a community collection pot for pods back with that last percent. No average stoner has the right equipment to extract and refill. If it's glass do a buy back like for glass milk. Then can make it cheaper and cut more tax being eco friendly. Nah meaaaaan thats tight probably get see how many times the pods been recycled and to see how wasteful humans are for the peeps who tosses them. Go green all the way right
should i get this or a pax?
Lmao I save all my old carts for no reason and if I could get all the end out I would probably have a good 2 grams
I have kept every 510 thread cartridge I’ve ever owned specifically for the little smidge at the bottom
Yo it's top 5 up in this bih hahaha lol what's up with you tonight
I’m from Pennsylvania brother, and used to be a massive marijuana connoisseur when I was younger. Had my struggles with the law, and ended up getting into harder drugs as a couldn’t smoke anymore due to probation drug tests. I went through that cycle for about 10 years in and out of jails and prisons. I’ve put together 3 years sober from opiates now, and have also gotten to see Pennsylvania allow those on probation to be on Medical Marijuana. I was certified for my medical card on Thursday, and my status is now active, so my card should be in the mail. My issue date reads this Friday, so I am BEYOND excited to finally be reunited with the best medicine on this Earth. I absolutely have LOVED your videos for years now, and believe it or not, they’ve helped me get through some of the years where I couldn’t smoke. But come this Friday, I’ll finally be able to sit down, throw on a Story Time of yours, and take a few hits off of a dab pen that I obtain legally. This country has come so far with the way they view marijuana in the past few years, and it is absolutely incredible to me that I’ll finally be a part of the culture again. Keep up the great work brother, because believe it or not, you’re inspiring us every single day.
Yeah but I don't know about that $10 monthly fee dude never heard of Pot company charging money to smoke monthly even if you don't buy their product
And now it’s a free membership. They are about to takeover the whole cannabis vape scene.
man should add when he fucks up his words because he's High as hell at the end i'm sure he'd get more view time and more likes
still going to smoke my bowl
it looks like the pokemon where you store the gym badges
They got pods for like 15 wtf! These looks sick asf I just ordered 6
If he read the instructions and didn’t throw them like a frisbee it’s gotta be good
Looks dope AF but I foresee tons of problems with their cartridges if that code gets ripped or damaged in some way you can't enter it…..then what? App is glitchy then what? Love the idea for a cleaner safer cart
honestly sounds like a pain in the ass.
But what if they peel off the label and put in on another pod then use it ? Is it the stick with a chip or the chip has its own motherboard or some type of chip .. or just a sticker bypass with QR code ?
It didn’t seem to have fat clouds
2:42 like in that one show disjointed Lmao
The STNDRD is also doing the exact same pods.. Their distillates are hella powerful and their battery is also C-USB. It's very airy when you rip it and it SLAPS.
that childhood memory at 2:30 with the quarters hit DEEEEEEEP I got 2 books full of quarters lol
The book reminds me of those card binders for like Baseball, football, basket ball, yugioh, Pokémon, and digimon.
Fckin love this dude. Seeing Thomas like a little kid with these new products is the best. Love you man!!
Word if they work with APEX then I need to ask my product rep if we can get these in. Cheers you crazy stoner

glad your blowing up u deserve it
Bro that's to much just to smoke I would of been threw that shit out the window lol
They should change the hole flashing colors on the phone screen because it could hurt people with epilepsy but this pod system is dope as fuck
They are exaggerating how much oil you lose per cart. You can smoke a cart without burn until the coil is half uncovered if you take small hits because the inside of the coil is soaked. It be oil outside the coil is meant to resoak it
That booklet look like the booklet you put your gym badges in from Pokémon
this shit is crazy, man. this is the type of innovation and harm reduction we need. I love these new companies pushing the boundaries of tech and extraction methods with weed
Next level shit
are the pods tracked? i feel like ppl watching me lol
I like it but it looks like it doesn’t rip
Plug and play did it first
You forgot that you need to pay 10$ a month for their membership in order to smoke their pods
Wish I had this my shit just got my stuff stolen today
bring back the old reviews and challenges
Besides the member ship this is the longest pen I had, A full gram cart usually last me two days and this one is on my 5th day and I been smacking it like crazy !! Don’t inhale to hard just little puffs I usually just pull till 7 vibrations.
bruh no shit and its cheap asf i can fr get this shit for the same price as a local plug
I do kinda fuck with that too ..it's actually so needed right now..the counterfeit cart game is insane… I'm even finding them often from normally respectable dispo's…smh
You’ve come such a long way Thomas, I’m really proud of you
How did you even get a half gram? All the pods I see for purchase are full grams. And also amazingly priced at that