Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine says he was pressured to allow Dave Ellefson to return to the band back in 2010. Dave Ellefson has previously described his time with Megadeth as like ‘being kicked out of hell’.
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Dave is a douche. Megadeth through Youthanasia was great. Was.
He should!
getting kicked out of hell??? why6 didn´t you just leave on your own ?
Kinda Funny cause I have Dave Elefsons book. He does not say anything about his friendship with Dave being HeLL HES FOS
Stop begging people to subscribe
Course he was pressured. Surprised? Dave made the best decision for MD, and the best decision has always been the best musicians for collaboration with Dave.
Dave has always been a drama queen , there's not a lot of musicians that will say anything decent about him .
He's a career POS . Megadeth was pretty badass in the old days now it's just senior citizens on stage.
well most hardcore megadeth fans know Mustaine is a complete piece of shit.
The part about Mustaine having a resentment that he cant let go seems pretty accurate. I think Mustaine really harbors a lot of regrets and resentment that he will never let go. He's tried to make up with Metallica and talks about wanting to collaborate with James Hetfield. But to this day in nearly every interview he does whenever Metallica is brought up he takes shots at them. He just cant let it go. He's legend but he's terribly bitter. I cant imagine he's much fun to be around, especially if youre someone who used to be in a band with him.
“No second chances?”
And he didnt listen and its lame. Ive stopped buying their materail.
Dave Ellefson is going to need to pay for his retirement somehow. Mustaine better hope that doesn't come in the form of a tell-all book about the band, cause I guarantee he ain't going to come out looking very good, and Ellefson probably has earned some trust from the fans.
Dave wanted to fire him….. he just needed an excuse
Right. And that’s why Ellefson was basically the face of Megadeth since he came back. Doing most of the interviews the press being the guy who smoothed things over. I was part of the Pledge campaign for Dystopia. Mustaine was practically nowhere to be found. If it weren’t for David the whole thing would have been a wash. Mustaine even gushed about the fact that David was the friendly face and was getting to sing a song on what would be this new album. But I guess Dave was pressured into all that huh? SMH.
Ellefson rocks. Mustaine is unstable. He does suck up to his handlers. Dave is controlled. He does not own his stuff.
I was a huge Megadeth fan growing up, but the arrogance of Dave is nothing but a turn off for me.
Yet he went on record to say that “Dave belongs in Megadeth” shortly after his return.
Pressured?? considering the source here. here is my thought Mustaine isnt innocent either!!! If you cant forgive for past mistakes and transgressions, then why should anyone forgive you for yours
What's funny is to this day Dave Mustaine still goes on about and feels sorry for himself about being kicked out of Metallica but its o.k. for him to disgard anyone he wants when ever he wants for what ever reason… Talk about a double standard…
Mustaine is possibly the biggest bullshitter of all-time. From word go he's made every single decision when it comes to bandmates and has total control. Plays the victim mentality flawlessly yet hides behind his label when he needs to look good. Love Megadeth music, loath "mental midget" Mustaine' jealousy of others that ultimately killed his all-time best lineup of Jr, Nick, and Marty creating with him pure unadulterated thrash magic.
Ellefson is like a angry girlfriend.. this is Mustaine's band..I know his panties are hurt but l, Ellefson is married, a big Christian and then goes and yanks his chain online and gets filmed doing it!! Right before a new album release!! So I don't blame Mustaine, he had to go and only has one person to blame!! Himself, stop crying about being kicked out!!
Dave looks like an old woman
Sad ending both great
Jr was great at connecting with the audience. I miss him.
Dave should stick to crying about being kicked out of Metallica. Ironically he and James are equally dull outside of playing metal.
Mustaine just know how to make bussiness with music, I could imagine work with someone that is friend of Alex Jones that believes on all that conspirancy crap. And for Ellefson's "situation", i'm sorry for his wife but is none of Mustaine's bussiness, I have seen worse sex scandals and yet bands tends to be supportive, this was an excuse to fire David calling his "christianity morals" to get rid of David once and for all.
I don't listen to Megadeth since United Abomination so I don't really care what the old man has to say of what to do and what not with our private lives.
They suck compared to the 80s.
Someone commented below about this how could the Drover brothers pressure Dave when Glen left the band 2 years before Ellefson was back in? Definitely smells like bs to me.
How about three
I dig the new bassist honestly. Either way keep kiko
Ellefson is such a weird dude. Always seemed like he was wanting to know when his next income was rolling in.
what if dave mustaine and chuck schuldiner collabed
Is there anybody more controversial in metal than Dave Mustaine? Maybe Glenn Benton…..but even Glenn has his limits.
MEGADETH just isn't the same without Ellefson.. I LOVE MEGADETH and hope that maybe one day it will work again with him back in his proper place.
elefson has a youtube channel spectre sound studio ….
check it out
Dave mustaine is the kind of guy you only want to know for he's work …he's personal life and opinion are garbage.
Personally, I think Dave always has something wrong with someone looking at how many people have been in and out of that band. Enough said!
The lucid's shouldn't named the band the wackloffs
Mustaine isn't jerkin' around….
And THIS is exactly who Dave Mustaine is. He's shown it for years. If you're in his band you're the best thing ever, if you're not you were never good enough and there's always an excuse. STFU!
I still think that Ellefson was set up with this scandal. It's possible to compromise almost anybody if to set the mind to it. All have their weaknesses, he just forgot what kind of world we live in.
Baz your a fool I'm gonna get your wife or girl!