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In this interview on The Howard Stern Show, Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda shares emotional memories of his bandmate Chester Bennington, who passed away in 2017. Shinoda talks about the challenges of working with someone dealing with personal issues, and reflects on the dynamic he had with Bennington, revealing details about the singer’s difficult upbringing and his own sense of feeling like an outsider.

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33 thoughts on “Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda Discusses Working with Chester Bennington

  1. "In The End" and "Crawling" are some of my least favorite LP singles. I'm still banging to "Papercut" and "One Step Closer" but those two songs were just so soft to me and not in a good way. Don't get me wrong, I kick it to soft ballads like "Fade to Black" and supersoft Reign In Blood by Slayer but "In The End" and "Crawling" are soft like Liberace at the Playboy Mansion. Anybody else get that vibe?

  2. Love Mike and linkin park, don’t believe them when they say nobody knew the depths of it though. This wasn’t Chester’s first suicide attempt, just his first successful one. I’m pretty sure the band knew about this

  3. I'm still not over Chester Bennington or Chris Cornell's death, their lyrics and music gave me so much strength "Who cares when someone's time runs out? If a moment is all we are, Well I do" to loose them both at the same time was awful

  4. It’s so weird. His death hit me harder than some of my relative’s death. The band meant a lot to me, helped me get through some of the toughest shit. And, later on I understand why. Music connects souls. We love you Chester and will never forget your legendary voice or the way you told stories ❤ rest easy my friend

  5. If you haven’t yet. Check out Mark Morton‘s song Cross Off. It features Chester on vocals and perhaps one of the last things he recorded and perhaps one of his best performances

  6. Still shocked Chester is gone. I don't think I will ever not be shocked. As any time a 'new' old Chester song comes out it gives me chills. Lost hits hard. I've felt lost in my life the last year I couldn't believe my ears when I heard this song. RIP Chester. For those of us still going never give up, never lose hope in your dreams. Hold on to both as tightly as you can no matter how hard things get.

  7. The Linkin Park song “Given Up” made it clear that he had reached the end of his rope, but I guess a lot of people didn’t take the lyrics to that song very seriously. People listen to music so blindly.

  8. Well , his cowardice in facing life left his 5 children without a father and a wife (now a single mother) without a husband so ya, poor little chester.

  9. I'll forever be a LP fan. Id listened to Tool and Metallica and other bands before but it wasnt until I got into LP that I really started diving into rock and metal. Planning my Hybrid Thoery cover art tattoo soon.

  10. Best rock albums of all time hybrid theory and meteora..been a fan since 2000 and my favorite song is still pushing me away and don't the yung bucks i recommend you guys listen to those songs

  11. Linkin Park needs to finish the story. It’s important. The message of overcoming demons despite them taking a friend. Being strong when it’s easier not to be. Linkin Park needs to continue, with or without a new vocalist

  12. The propaganda of today is designed to make us depressed and suicidal. They have been using psychology against us in more than advertising for over 30 years now.

  13. It a good song but I don’t want people to be like omg this song is amazing but it wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t died i love them there my favorite band but they could have made the guitars more involved or done something a little different that is all

  14. I don't understand why people didn't go out of there way to be extra comforting to chester. Once chester told Mike something very personal, you'd think he would ask more questions that could have been therapeutic for chester, but idk. I don't think Mike is heartless or Chester's wife but .. i don't see many tears shed. It's very confusing and I didn't see much emotion from either of them honestly. What do u all think?

  15. Ugh…nobody ever knows someones suffering unless they let you in. Stop putting chester on a pedestal and lets fight to get mental health funding back. If i told you the truth……
    I am.
    In the bush days the decided it was a good idea to rip away federal funding to create the current conditions were in. This is staged. They knew mental illness would run rampant. I dealt with the same shit as chester and still do. Its called peer pressure and some depression with probably a smattering of panic disorder. Sound familiar anyone?? They created this…for what? Gun control for that bush nwo change over maybe? Who knows. And btw im an nwo supporter. Dont bark up the wrong tree. Im one of the few intelligent ones that knows this is one of the steps it takes to become a type one civilization. I got away from my point there, my point is there are living people that you care about suffering in silence like him..

  16. I feel like Linkin Park nowadays will just be celebrating anniversaries of different records of theirs. I have nothing against this, I'm just saying that they're gonna re-release the stuff they released and adding some of the stuff that is unreleased

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