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33 thoughts on “Is It Ok To Smoke W€€d At Concerts? Dad FLIPS OUT!

  1. The public nuisance reputation of weed or alcohol at public events will be its undoing. I remember this very topic being addressed at a NORML meeting in Washington D.C in the late 70s. Back then it was theorized that smoke from weed in a certain proximity was enough to make someone high that didnt want to be high. That was in a day when 8% THC weed WAS GOOD. Imagine people smoking 30% THC next to someone that just likes music but has nothing to do with mind altering substance? You could be asking for a lawsuit or even worse, plus as more states legalize it will be the talking point for anti weed laws that will claim CHEMICAL ATTACK on unsuspecting citizens. This was discussed in the 70s in length to promote the discretion of Cannabis users in the public space. Large amounts of alcohol at public events in Europe have led to some of the most horrifying tragedies, and providers were successfully sued in court. At NORML it was imagined that a future of WEED BARS where musicians would entertain a crowd that accepted passive highs would be accepted by government agencies. This was also a time period when the banning of cigarettes in public was spreading like wildfire. THE ANWER TO YOUR QUESTION IS, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS WILL FIGHT TO PROVIDE ENTERTAINMENT TO SMOKING AND NON SMOKING AUDIENCES. That means NO SMOKING IN THE PUBLIC SPACE would be the norm. The chances for a CONTACT HIGH LAWSUIT AINT WORTH IT ANYWAY.

  2. Person with pregnant wife could have easily said 'please' just in a slightly annoyed tone and OP could have taken it as they "complained", which if so would make anyone a bit more unnerved and some to cause a cause a scene OP could easily have been the AH in this but as it's mentioned there isn't a whole lot of info

  3. Whenever I'm going to smoke in public around people I don't know very well I always ask the people if the smell/ smoke is going to bother them before hand. I've found that transparency and trying to be as considerate as possible is always the best option. And if the person says it's no big deal and decides to complain after I light up anyways then they're the asshole

  4. Not my baby, not my problem. Of course you can ask someone to put it out but dont expect them to oblige. The world doesnt revolve around you & your children, if you believe the area is unsafe for you & your family just leave. Say you confront someone & they react violently? Now youve put you & your family in a situation that might end with someone flat on the ground. Unlikely scenario but there's plenty of crazies out there.
    Now if its an indoor concert & you clearly cant smoke in that venue (signs are up), either bring a vape & go to the bathroom or smoke before the concert 🍃💨

  5. I mean causing a scene isn’t cool but smoking around a pregnant lady and first being asked, kind of not cool. YTA

    Edit: I don’t mind the smoking itself, but if you can go another place when somebody asks if you can yeah

    I also missed the part where he actually asks before causing a scene

  6. why was she there in the first place if she knew it was likely to have stuff there thats on her for not thinking shit out before hand

  7. After the concert the dude and his old lady went home and sparked 1 up. I personally would not take My wife to a concert when she was pregnant cause I love my pregnant wife too much to risk our baby. No, the guy wasn't an ass hole.

  8. When my mother was pregnant with me she and my father went to ozz fest 2001. Did she get into the big group. No she stayed in the back and enjoyed the music away from people.

  9. This reminded me of a nice childhood memory. My dad took me to a concert when i was a little kid once and while I was busy focusing on the concert my dad sparked up a joint. Some guy in front of him said something along the lines of "hey man put that out, theres kids here!" my dad just replied "yeah, its my kid." and kept smoking

  10. Hi Mat i came across you're videos few weeks ago. I'm English and have learnt So So much from you. We are still in the dark ages with weed here. Just amazing to see how far the Grate USA has come, i can only wish and pray one day happens here. Keep up the Amazing work. Huge love from the UK.

  11. Honestly if you show up with your pregnant wife you take the risk of getting a contact, as long as the artist/band says it's ok to smoke in general that shouldn't stop anyone from smoking (my fiancé is pregnant and I let her smoke here and there for her appetite so I have nothing against smoking while pregnant unless it's heavy smoking) you could also just move away from them to

  12. i think its all situational…like if youre the only one smoking then i guess you gotta put it out…but rarely is that ever happening at these type of events…like why go to the "Up in Smoke Tour" if you dont wanna smoke?

  13. My first question would be, what exactly are you worried about? A cpl joints worth of second hand pot smoke isn't going to cause a freaking birth defect. That's ridiculous. You'd have to be in an enclosed space for a long period of time, with an absolutely astounding amount of smoke for it to become something worth getting concerned over. It's a combination of misinformation along with some folks tendency to take any excuse to be outraged. It's ridiculous. I was at a Steve Winwood show one time, and sparked a J during the song 'Light Up or Leave Me Alone', only to have some jerk walk up and ask me to put it out because "my girlfriend is allergic "😂 Am I the asshole?

  14. What? a drug culture concert shouldnt be attended by sub 18 year olds let alone someone with a bun in an oven. stampedes and crushes happen a taylor fucking swift, you cant just assume youll be good because most of the time most concerts are good. theres going to be alcohol, and egos, so there will be fights. how about not putting yourself in the situation to begin with instead of trying to change the situation to cater to one person who feels entitled. the have roped off sections at shows for handicapped and disabled, im almost willing to bet security would have gladly supervised your pregnant situation there.

  15. I mean I can see why he would get upset but it is a concert n I feel like every concert is gonna have at least one person with weed or a vape or a cigarette

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