Today we’re joined by legendary Fear Factory guitarist Dino Cazares and the band’s new frontman Milo Silvestro. Fear Factory will be heading out on tour with Milo Silverstro in just a few days.
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Saw him in Chicago tonight . Amazing singer . By far the best band of the night
Milo and the band performed perfectly in Milwaukee last night! Thank you for an epic show
I still prefer Burton, no contest. I've been buying their albums since the first came out, not just hearing about them now. It's just not Fear Factory without Burton C.Bell…sorry.
saw them live at rise of the machine. Milo killed it! he has good growls and sings the clean parts just like the album! they really got the 'studio' quality live-also Dino with great live guitar tone.
Why is Italia not supporting this dude? I don’t see too many Italian comments.
I'm a really big fear factory I think Milo is a perfect fit I can't wait to see him live
Dino Is a littl3 older than I am. And he is kicking th3 shit out of father tim3.
Seen em live last night. Was A banging show! He did a good job, I thought!
BTW, I have that same shirt!! Lol. SDMF!
I haven't seen any bad comments. It just doesn't seem right!
Are bad comments being removed, or is this just genuine awesomeness from Fear Factory?
There would be no Slipknot as we know it if not Fear Factory and Demanofacture album.
Good for the band but with out Burton it is just a FF tribute band.
Milo reminds me of the ex lead singer of linkin park
I have been a FF fan since the beginning. I love Burton. But I need FF to continue and Milo is the best fit to make this happen.
I had to pause the video and look this guy up…. HE IS SIK FOR REAL!
I wish Dino would make a small documentary about this story, I would watch, like, and subscribe!
daje Milo! un abbraccio da Roma
First Ass Kick of 2023
Dino steals Burtonz Wourx;&Now, attemptng2 duplicate,BurtonC.Bell Vocal Styles. How fukngpathetic, DinoC.
Nate you hit the nail on the head with the dry drunk. You just described me to the T.
Fear Factory was one of the first bands I was ever exposed to since a small child. Lifelong Heavy music enthusiast because of them. I am sure Milo will do great he has surely done the work. Wish him all the best

He did a vocal tryout for divine heresy too. I did a wave track. All he said was, there was no cleans. I thought it was good with no cleans for “failed creation”. The chorus was lame.
Forza Italy ! Forza Milo !!!
fck yes i just heard the new vocalist i would love to c this version live he killed it. ill never forget burton hes amazing. but dino found the perfect vocalist to fit what fear factory does
Fear Factory died when Burton left.
This band.
They have been without Ray, without Dino, without Byron, without Christian,
And now without Burton.
IMO this band is incredible no matter who is in it. The soul of FF has always been there

Man I can't wait to hear some knew music from Fear Factory. To Milo welcome to the family brother

Thanks for covering Fear Factory. The kids need to know about this often overlooked legendary band. I have a feeling that your channel speaks to a more younger audience than many other Metal news outlets out there. I know from experience that FF often gets overlooked and forgot about when talking about the great wave of bands from the 90's and early 2000's. But they have one of the stronger catalogues from all those bands that emerged over that period of time in my opinion. And the more people that gets to hear about FF the better!
I first heard Milo a few years ago and I told him that he as a talent and that one day you'll be able to show. And guess what now your in Fear factory your on your way to new places and I wish Milo all the best.
I have been smiling ear to ear through this whole interview. This is the most amazing news of 2023!
Sorry its not FF without Burton C Bell.
I will see these guys live with there new singer on the Rise of the Machine tour on 3/31. It could be a bad ass concert at least I hope it will.
Was super excited for this tour….. until ticketmaster screwed the prices in STL. Now neither me nor most of my friends can afford to go. But I hope the bands have a great tour! Will miss you guys.
That '99 tour was incredible
Santos could have been a good fit. Forgot about him.
Just rename the band!
It’s not fear factory anymore!
I’m not doubting how good it is or not but come on man!
Dino's Max impression is spot on!
I couldn't get the days off today to see them perform at the Fillmore with Static X and DOPE, but maybe next time I'll catch them. Seems like Milo is here to stay!
I've been a FF fan for 15+ year, welcome MIlo! no doubt you're going to kill it! ill see you in Chicago
Ignore any haters Milo! Your vocal/musical skills are awesome! Hope to see you in Australia
DINO !! Bring day new FF to Australia bro!!
Milo is a beast
This man is going to make this band shine. How can anyone have a problem with this.. He has the knowledge and skill to make amazing things happen
Cant wait to see them april 7th
So nice when he talked of his parents reaction.
He really masters the clean growl combined its very hard.
Looking forward to this. Been a Fear factory since Demanufacture so hope this is good. Dino is the only remaining original member.
Im actually really hyped for Milo and the future of FF!
So exciting. Fun tour fun bill great new vocalist so ambitious. Thankfull for dinos work.
You did great too love the channel.
Burton C. Bell is one of the most talented metal vocalists that I have come across, but I have grown weary of his hypocrisy. The Fear Factory song “Powershifter” says “always question authority”, yet he never questions authority when it is left wing. At this point, it might be for the best that Fear Factory has a new vocalist.