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20 thoughts on “GloJays on GoFundMe Scam, Broke IG Models, Giving Back on Tiktok & More – No Jumper

  1. If your saying she was a homeless scammer then why would you set up a gofunde me page days later? If the cops showed up and said she was scammer then why days later you set up godfundme page??? Sir I think your the scammer. You was caught so you sent the money back.

  2. Bro made the first 5 minutes of nothing but streets and gangs 💀☠️🤡flakko is a stereo typical lil boi that shouldn’t be interviewing men

  3. Flakko: So you weren’t smashing white women?
    Glo: dawg, 😐what’s that like? Lmao there’s black folk there too just because you hear Arkansas doesn’t mean white privilege.

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