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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Scam clip – https://youtube.com/@torqueautomotivebedford
Make sure to check out his channel & subscribe.
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 The technician eventually removed the metal cover and replaced the battery. As shown in the clip he is wearing an orange glove which is used on EVs, Hybrids, or anything with a high-voltage system, or in this case a battery that is sparking like crazy.
0:20 Engine oil pan is smashed in, which most likely damaged the oil pick-up tube. This could cause a lack of lubrication to the engine, which could cause internal engine damage as well. The technician did not mention what make/model of the vehicle, however, it looks like a Toyota (as that is the oil filter cartridge they use).
0:30 One shock installed upside down. Some shocks are actually meant to be installed upside down, but not these ones. This can cause premature failure of the shock absorbers.
0:43 Lugnuts were left loose and that’s why the wheel is worn like that and a wheel stud is broken off. The customer was also driving on worn-out tires in winter.
0:55 The technician turned off the rear wiper and it fixed the issue.
1:09 Wheel got replaced.
1:21 As mentioned the technician isn’t sure what the customer used to try
and fix a tire leak. So if you know, let us know in the comments.
1:30 Pinecone was resting against the screen causing it to go to the temp/climate settings page. The technician removed it, went on a test drive and it fixed the issue. He also said he use the pinecone to touch the screen and it worked.
1:45 The customer left a brake pad when they installed new brake pads, but also look at the inside of the brake rotor. It’s very worn out as well.
1:57 The shop declined to work on this Jeep.
2:07 From the sounds of it, the technician thinks that the customer bought it off a farmer, and that was a farm fix. There are no safety inspections where he lives, so the customer never got it fixed.
2:17 As mentioned, it’s a scam going around. So be cautious when you’re selling a vehicle privately. People will pretend there’s something wrong with it, to get it for a cheaper price. To either sell it to somebody else for more or keep it for themselves at a discounted rate.
2:47 The technician installed a new driveshaft, and just welded the exhaust where they had cut it.
2:58 The technician who shared this with us thought it was a pretty cool way to start a vehicle, so filmed it to show the process. As mentioned the customer did not want the ignition fixed.
3:11Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Noticed everybody out there if you stop seeing my comments one day that means I went out and killed myself knowing that I’m out here with all these fucking stupid ass car owners
Cause the customer figured two brake pads must be better than one you know double stopping power

2:09 is it really dumb if it works?
The stealth starter switch is kinda cool. Bad guys would never think to look there.
A majority of the problems make me quite worried when I drive to know there are people like this on the road.
So many problems could be fixed and prevented with a little common sense, and reading the manual to learn about the vehicle
If I had that ignition, I wouldn't want it fixed either. That's mad
WOW what can u say!!
Ignition doesn't look broken to me.
Coolant overflow bottle scam?
That last one was great, I wouldn't have wanted that fixed either. The ignition switch on my Jeep XJ went bad and wouldn't engage the starter, so as a quick fix I put a starter button in the ash tray… drove it like that for years, probably a 100,000 miles or so. Last year I finally replaced the ignition switch. so it starts like a normal car.
these people need to be photographed and openly shamed. badly.
"Park Sparks" was the name of a website I helped run to "bring back" the Memorial Day fireworks in Colorado Springs. The guy who had the idea and helped run it disappeared into thin air shortly after that.
I'm guessing he was a Lithium Ion type.
New oil pan and oil change………….$2500! Pass.
What alarms me is these vehicles are on the same road as I am.
Ford famously used the wood from shipping crates to make the floorboards, frame, dashboard and other wooden parts on the T, so there is some precedent for the wood crossmember.
Ford used so much wood, the company ran its own lumber division. That produced a lot of scrap that Henry decided should be processed into charcoal. For that project, Henry tapped the husband of one of his cousins…a guy named Ed Kingsford.
I'll say it again. How can people be so STUPID & CLUELESS? My my.

I just rolled in. New subscriber shout me out

Worked all my life in automotive shop. You gotta watch out for the brother in law problems after holidays and long weekends. Customer says my brother in law says something wrong with my whatever after he rode in the back seat to the restaurant.
I need a set of those universal rims… Man half the cars in these videos are a wreck waiting to happen!!!
Sold a battery to a customer. He came back an hour later cursing at me saying I sold him a completely dead battery and wanted to know what I was going to do about it. I told him, "I'm going to do THIS" as I removed the BRIGHT RED CAP he had left on the positive terminal and clamped on top of it! Man, I hate retail.
That….that battery, how did he not realize the moment it sparked when putting the cover on, and then he still, STILL, put the rest of the bolts on…What?
EDIT: Bill the pine cone people landscaping costs plz.
I came from a very violent country. So it is a good idea to bring more people with you when buying or selling a car. If three people were going to see my car, there is no way I would talk to them alone.
the last one looked like the car was stolen to many times and the owner installed a secret ignition
I love the ignition switch in the last clip! If it works – it works!
If you're going to turn and run to the shop anyways, what's the point of even attempting the DIY? It's like he installed the shocks went for a test drive and pulled into the shop without even looking, that's just one of those silly lack of experience thinking too hard kinda of mistakes all he had to do is double check his work.
Another head-slapper of a video! For me, I admire that sturdy wood crossmember which had to be carefully measured and cut to fit! Well done!
The other all star was the James Bond-ish ignition switch on that side panel. How was the wiring done..?
Ffs cut the red wire
I nearly had my catalytic converter stolen about three weeks ago. Two and a half weeks before that, they tried to steal it the first time but set off my car alarm and ran away. They used a detached airbag to lift my car without jostling it enough to set off the alarm and used a Sawzall to cut away my converter. One of my neighbors, who apparently works for DHS, stopped them before they could sever it from my car. Only had to pay $120 at the mechanic for welding labor and I have since parked my car in the garage.
I can't stop watching these. I can't believe this many wetaahded people exist.