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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Last clip – Anthony Shea via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Bowling ball was removed. If you look at the bottom of the bowling ball you can also see where it was scrapping on the pavement. Must have made quite a noise!
0:19 Cockroaches in vehicles are common to see if you leave food inside your vehicle/leave it a mess. Always important to clean up your vehicle so it won’t attract bugs or animals.
0:29 The shop removed the spray foam from one part of the exhaust and welded in a new muffler. However, the truck was even louder than before as their neighbors had cut the muffler…
0:40 The brake caliper got caught inside of the wheel which caused the brake caliper to damage the wheel and also looked to have damaged the parking brake cable as well.
0:52 No issues found. The screen shuts off as it should when powering the radio down.
1:01 There are a lot of clips online (Instagram, TikTok) of this truck actually driving around with this lift kit. Scary and very unsafe!
1:19 Ford Taurus. The technician isn’t sure what the customer did with the car after this. However, that’s why it’s very important to get an inspection before purchasing a vehicle from anybody!
1:38 The customer’s lawyer picked it up so it could be used in court.
Had a tracking device/GPS inside.
1:50 The shop refused to do an alignment/work on it as they said it would be a liability and they aren’t 100% sure what exactly the customer did to their Jeep.
2:24 This was on a Lamborghini Urus, so that’s why it’s very expensive to fix. The customer said he apparently drove 20 miles (32 kilometers) like this.
2:37 Pretty unsafe to drive with all of those model cars on the dash. Hopefully, they don’t get into an accident.
2:46 The technician thinks the customer has possibly been driving around like this since they bought the vehicle brand new and nobody has caught it until now.
3:00 The technician said it was a 1.8-liter N/A engine. Did not mention what the customer ended up doing.
3:13 Unfortunately the clip was not filmed any longer (only 11 seconds as shown). Funny prank though, that I’ve seen working at a shop.
3:25 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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It's not uncommon to keep a Spare under the vehicle; he's just covering all the bases.
Jesus can fix that bowling ball
The spray foam situation is hilarious.
For those who don't know, just because it's stock doesn't mean it's legal, and just because it's legal in your state or province doesn't mean a city/town ordinance/law can't restrict a vehicle even farther.
You absolutely cannot run a diesel engine that has the capability of rolling coal in Canada as an example.
If it's tuned for that out of the factory it's still your responsibility to cut the engines nuts off and keep it clean.
I had a long battle with someone who owned multiple chopper style bikes next to me years ago.
My sister had a new born baby, this dude would rattle the windows every day at 6am.
Working on his shit until 11pm.
End of the battle had him charged 23k and a bike insurance wouldn't cover.
It never fails to amaze me how stupid apprentices are
2:36 cocalar car
So that first customer literally rolled in LOL
Majority of people are stupid, best to buy an modified vehicle.
“Just rolled In” Sounds like the excuse the customer would use for the bowling ball
Where is your shop? So many cars have excessive rust.
1:33 yeah right, it never is
is that a festiva in the bottom right pic at the end, furthest to the right?
These people have NO business being auto owners
Thanks for the 3 ads before playing video.
Just rolled in, with a bowling ball. No, no irony there at all.
… speechless
0:29 i dont mind this, but when your ass gets up at 5am to goto work and i dont have to wake up till 7am i would do the same, same goes for night time, if im in bed by 9 and your drunk ass comes in like as asshole at 10-11pm, im gonna do the same, minus the muffler….that was dumb.
daily does of internet but for cars???
Dude if you dont like how loud my car is cutting off the muffler is not going to help LOL
1:40 Not a tracking device. That's a magnetic hide-a-key box. My company trucks use the exact same thing.
“It wasn’t like that when they sold it…”HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU BETCHA….

Am I the only one here that feels sorry for the Lamborghini? I guess it's true that money can't buy a brain.
The apprentice prank, after that is when you walk off the job
Isn’t it dangerous to put spray foam in someone’s mufflerw
2:37 At least customer will have a pickup shaped forehead after getting in a accident…LOL
That apprentice could have seen that coming
As an apprentice I was sent after the laminate straightener as I didn’t fall for the board stretcher.
One apprentice came around looking for the panel straightener and got around to the owner who got angry at us all.
Turns out the kid was looking for the broken bar clamp that we used to pull the ends of boards flush when glueing panels.
Who knew??
I'd like to know how you're able to afford a Lambo when you're that stupid. Lottery? Trust fund?
3:20 – BOOM!!!
Wow! I never expected a bead seater to cause this big of a splash!
I like the cheatah bead seater prank…. thats a good one
Lemme get this straight, they didn't like how loud the truck was, so they cut off the muffler?
Bruh how did a customer just buy a car from a car lot which wasn't rusted under neath just to come back the next day or so and it's in terrible shape… Rust all over.
That’s gotta be an easy lawsuit for the rusted out frame. “It wasn’t like that when I sold it” unless it’s been years, he’s obviously lying.
Customer: "screen turns off when I turn the radio off."
Problem exists between keyboard and chair
Did the first fella have a hook for a hand perchance ?
Bowlin ball, Trackin device, Timin chain lol
That's Big Ern McCracken's bowling ball. Probably sugar in the tank as well.
I require my balls to be returned properly
I don’t know how y’all deal with customers like the Jeep one. So much damage caused by someone so ignorant. I’d refuse the job every time.