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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Driver abuse or resting the foot on the clutch pedal while driving must have done that damage to the clutch and pressure plate. I’ve seen damage like this to clutches on high-end vehicles/sports cars but never on a passenger car.
0:21 You can see the wear marks in the front driveshaft where the customer resecured the skid plate too. The shop recommended a new front driveshaft and skidplate.
0:35 The technician pulled the wheel off with the lug nuts still on. This happens when your lug nuts are not tight and you continue to drive around like that. The customer is very lucky the wheel did not come off while they were driving on the road.
0:41 The CV axle holds the outer hub of the bearing to the bearing and that’s why they are lucky that any of the front wheels did not come off. The customer gave the name to the shop of the other shop who apparently told them to remove the front cv axles. CV axles were re-installed, new hubs and needed a tie rod, then an alignment.
0:59 The customer said he just purchased this vehicle as well.
1:13 Footballs in the coil springs were found when this vehicle was in for an unrelated concern.
1:25 Hard to see but the hole on the left is just through the fuel tank. The fuel tank was replaced and a new fuel pump was installed.
1:38 Blend door actuator was causing this noise. A Blend Door Actuator is a small electric motor in your vehicle that moves the Blend Door/ Air Mix Door between fresh air and re-circulation modes, hot and cold airflow, and floor/defrost modes.
1:47 Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when installing any new gasket.
2:00 If you don’t know what a diesel engine runaway is, here is more info – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_engine_runaway
This happened 3 years ago and the customer is still driving this truck to this day, no damage was done.
2:21 The shop isn’t sure if that was the customer who changed the oil or another shop/quick lube. They were never told and the vehicle was towed away.
2:35 New rear differential was installed and another set of tires.
2:43 The bleeder screw is what’s used to let the air out of the brake system. It’s threaded onto the brake caliper. The customer’s boyfriend thought it was a grease zerk.
2:53 “2018 Kia Niro. Customer states another shop repaired their car after a bad accident but now hears a clunking noise. I found that whoever installed the trailer hitch only drilled 1 hole for a bolt on the passenger rear and when the customer got into the accident the hitch got snagged and tore a hole in the body.”
3:10 The best shop dog! Even holds the flashlight.
3:19 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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You can submit your clips/photos at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
OMG. This is madness.
The scariest part of these videos is that you start with "customer drove in". Dear god
I wonder if the " boyfriend " had just taken out a big life insurance policy on her….
that doggo better be getting paid for his hard work
I take it they don't have the MOT like we do?
That football thing is pretty 1k iq
In half of these videos my brain shut down
. And I'm a car mechanic. How could you ever grease the brake bleed screws?
i usually get all my DIY ideas from these video's.
Diesel runaways are scary
I want Van Halen vents in my car but I want them to play Poundcake.
I have a car that makes that noise….Thanks, now I know what to look for
ETA: best light prop I've ever seen
It’s always another shop
. Fess up.
Hot for teacher
Okay it common sense when you get new gaskets you remove the old ones. Do these people have an IQ of 0 like come on.
Puppy love!!!! My car won't go anywhere because my puppy is sleeping on my chest and is adorable!
Hahaha. Van Halen.

Clinet: sir, when I press a brake my car makes this strange sound.
Mechanic: well don`t break then……that will be 2000 dollars. :)))
I often think that when the customers state ‘another shop’ what they really mean is ‘a stranger on reddit’.
Credit goes out to the team, stopping the runaway diesel quickly it only takes seconds for permanent damage
PuppyCam for the win!
Bro they where so lucky with that diesel runaway, i have seen pistons flying, fire balls, explotions and even deaths because of some stupid mistake. I have respect for yall.
Van Halen – Hot For Teacher 
Y'know, I'm not gonna rag on someone too much for wrecking their fuel tank to change the pump. Modern vehicles make it obscenely difficult to self-service them. This wasn't even close the first clip we've seen of that happening, nor will it be the last.
Why would anyone try to do work on their own car when they have no clue what they're even doing?
I love these wonderful examples of DIYers exhibiting so-called Dunning-Kruger – the stupid dont know they are stupid because they are too stupid to know – (although Dunning-Kruger didnt really say that)
2:00 If this ever happens to you, and the car uses a manual transmission, quickly shift it into the highest gear you can to stall the engine.
Looks like the boyfriends haven't a clue. The girls should bin the dummies.
These videos make me feel a lot better about my car and my decisions to take it to proper mechanics when needed.
I have no idea what any of this means, but still watching it.
I’m going to stick my fingers in my ears and believe that puppy is alive.
1:39 sounds more like the drums for bleed lol
With the plethora of how's to vids on YouTube by real mechanic professionals. There is NO excuse for sooooo many fucked up DIY jobs.
Omg that pup is so freaking cute!! almost nothing better than to have a little pup sleep on your chest.
40 years later son took over shop . Charge me $100. Because check engine light won't light. He don't know how to fix anything.
If your diesel starts running away cut off its air supply . Or she's done for