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#shorts #justrolledin #customerstates


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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42 thoughts on “Customer States Replace Both Front Tires

  1. I’m always observant of mats or objects that could roll behind the pedal ,preventing me to press it . Grew up watching final destination… can never be too sure 😅

  2. I got to drive my friends 70 Chevelle SS convertible. I asked what was wrong with his brakes. He brought it to the Navy Autobody shop on NAS PT. Mugu back in the 90's and his brakes looked just like these. I asked didn't you have problems stopping and he said yeah I just push harder and it eventually stops! I fixed them for him.

  3. thing is: back in western europe you'd most likely go to jail for evading the annual inspection for like 10 years like this customer did.. that's not reckless anymore, that's bordering intention for murder.

  4. That when you cut all of their break lines put diesel in their gas tank and sand in their oil so they have to buy a new car. That’s just fucking ridiculous. I hope you remove that floormat

  5. If the customer doesn't want the rear brakes fixed because it will cost them money, I would be checking their credit card details before proceeding with any work. At least they realised that the money spent on a tow truck could pay for the rear brakes.
    Some people have a death wish and don't know it!

  6. Should’ve told the customer “per DOT regulations I cannot let this vehicle leave the shop with the brakes being as bad as they are (non existing). And let them know they have to have it towed out of the shop and they should get the brakes serviced as soon as possible. That would be a lawsuit on the shop for letting them leave like that when they get into a wreck.

  7. I worked at a shop where if we deemed a vehicle unsafe to drive they had to sign paperwork stating that we weren’t liable for anything once it leave the shop, if they refused to sign we would keep the keys and call a tow truck for them.

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