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AYG comedy podcast presents Shane Gillis. Shane Gillis joins the podcast to talk fighting his dad, America, and his alcoholic …


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30 thoughts on “AYG Comedy Podcast: Shane Gillis Pennsylvania Garbage

  1. Wow I never realized how much Shane hates his own country? Hey stupid do you know that half a population of this country really loves it here. I'm even willing to save more this episode is very pathetic. Sorry but I'm sick of woke foolish comedians who make their living on the backs of people who do most of the working living and dying in this country and you think it's cute to shame them for loving where they live? It is what it is but This kind of stuff is just ridiculous. You think it's a badge of honor that you screwed up going to West Point?

  2. HAhahahahaha think about prison or jail when you speak of anxiety. Imagine a door shutting at 9pm, you know it will not open, there will be no medications for whatever, you are locked in a tomb. THAT is anxiety the first time you experience it.

  3. 05'? 06'? Holy shit thank god I'm not an East Coast White. You guys look fucking 40+. You know what they say, those late to rise shall reap the evening pussy.

  4. My dad wanted to go body shots with me one time when I was a teen and I got him pretty good in the ribs and I knew it was good because he instantly popped me in the mouth ,busted my lip and called the fight😂 next day he showed me the green and purple bruising I left on him 😂😂😂 that dad ego is fragile when it comes to competition with the kiddos

  5. Phil has great taste in music, and I know this because just the other day I was re-watching an episode of MSSP and Shane got all the boys fired up (myself included) on a sick ass play list that was second to none.. I loved it because my old man raised me on Motown it never leaves you, it never gets old.. and it's probably the greatest time in music ..

  6. I live 40 min west of State College, PA after growing up in the Pacific NW and this is the truest pod of all time. Philly, Baltimore, Pittsburg is the worst accent of all time, as far as sounding completely stupid. A strong PA accent makes Arkansas peeps sound vaguely British.

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