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In the 1960s more households than ever had televisions and with that it opened them up to a new world like no other. The decade was full of innovative ideas and shows within television. Here we will have a look at the 15 biggest TV moments in the 1960s.

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49 thoughts on “15 Biggest TV Moments Of The 1960s

  1. The few TV channels we did have back then had content far better and more worth watching than the crap that's spewed over our current hundreds of cable channels.

  2. I remember in the 1950s when TV sets were tube only, had to wait about 15-20 seconds to warm up. The antenna was on top of the house and you had to get on the roof to adjust it and somebody inside to tell you when you got it right.

  3. Before that appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show,George Harrison came to Benton,Illinois to visit his sister. He bought a guitar in Mt Vernon ,Illinois. Its that guitar he used for the next 5 + years.

  4. Ive read over the years that its a myth that Kennedy won that election over that debate. More people listen to the debate on the radio as t,v, was still a new and expensive technology. . People who listened it on th radio thought that Nixon won that debate.

  5. Charlie Brown Christmas has been televised in years because of the Luke 21 passage.
    Also being a child of the 60’s we had 3-5-10 as our channels. Today I’ve got 250 channels & I still only watch 3 channels.

  6. Born in Boston in 1960 my earliest memory was Kennedy assassination, I was 3 so I think it was my Mother crying in distress that printed on my mind, then I'm 1st grade we practiced for incoming Russian nuclear missiles because we were told Boston would be one of the first cities bombed. Welcome to the world kids. 1966

  7. i agree with your choices 💯%!:-)

    i disagree with your assessment that everyone was happy with our three choices. Unlike today, if we didn't like what was on the TV we turned it off and went and did something else•
    We did have portable radios. However, we could reliably pick up only three stations. Two country stations K•LAD and K•BOY, and our pop station KA•GO Radio 1150 on your AM dial.
    Yes kids, it was simpler back then. The off button just turned things off !:-)

  8. I was born in the 80’s but I remember a time when you could watch something on tv, and then at school the next day you could talk about it with your friends. All us cool kids watched Pokémon at 6am before school and then the Simpsons at 6pm that night. Man I sure do miss those days, but then I also really love the Internet too….

  9. 3 channels back then vs hundreds of channels and millions of streamings (including this channel) on PC, TV, tablet and mobile phone today. Aren't we spoiled or what?

  10. Thank you Rhetty for this bit of nostalgia. Born in '49 I remember each highlighted event. The most impactful being the Kennedy assassination and the whole country coming pretty much to a standstill for about 4 days. Different times but in my opinion better times. Thank you again.

  11. Being born in early November 1959, everything from the Kennedy funeral on is emblazoned in my memory. The 60s represented my first 10 years. What a wonderful time In which to grow up

  12. Don't forget PBS. I loved all their educational shows growing up. I wish Fred Rogers had got a mention for helping start the PBS stations, and for his groundbreaking children's show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. Also, Bam-Bam wasn't adopted. He was Barney and Betty Rubble's son. Fred and Wilma Flintstone had their own daughter named Pebbles. Gosh, I feel old! 😁

  13. Jump forward to December 8, 1980 when news of "John Lennon's Death" was debated, Howard Cossell. The New Patriots were playing. I don't know who the opponents were. But, I remember hearing about Mr. Lennon's death(untimely) The "Double Fantasy" album had been released, which I had. I was sad. I am a Beatles fan! The Wings(Paul McCartney) Over America" bands aficionado.

  14. USA tv only. Apart from JFK's assassination and the moon landing, most of these would've held little interest to the 66 other English speaking countries in the world.

  15. There were some other channels available like PBS (Public Broadcasting) and lots of local channels with kids' shows, movies and reruns. TV Guide was full of listings. If you missed an episode of a show, you could catch it when the show was re-run in the summer.

  16. I loved Saturday morning cartoons and soooo many other shows: F-Troop, Gilligan's Island, Mc'Hales Navy, The Invaders, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, lost in Space ("danger Will Robinson, danger!"),…

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