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Sumerian Records owner Ash Avildsen took to his label’s social accounts to speak out against proof of vaccination for concerts, after a recent FDA announcement about annual boosters.

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44 thoughts on “Sumerian Records Speaks Out Against Vaccine Card Requirements for Concerts

  1. America is being murdered right before our eyes by biden and the democrats and no one speaks up out of fear of being called an ist or accused of an ism. The media is an accomplice in this murder plot.

  2. Sumerian is now my favorite record label because of this. Nice to see some spine speaking against the tyranny rather than the matrix-controlled brainwashed vax monkeys spewing non-sense, and literally condoning the idea of forcing people to inject substances into their bodies. Thank you Sumerian for making sense and standing up for what you believe within a current world of non-sense and confusion.

  3. My Slavic people didn't leave the Soviet Union for a totalitarian state to happen all over again in USA.
    Ash is Ukrainian… he understands what true oppression is like and what it did to innocent people. Thank you Sumerian Records for speaking up.
    People who follow the virtue signaling trend why simultaneously shouting down others who do not want to conform need to open a book or watch a documentary on Communism in the Soviet Union please. 🙏
    Enough of this Mass Pyschosis.

  4. Yep. Critical thinking is a lost art form. I'm not saying Covid doesn't exist, but it IS/WAS man-made, severely overblown and ludicrously profitable for certain parties.

  5. Good on Sumerian. If you don't like what the company does, don't support them. If you see what they are doing as standing for personal choice,then you'll understand their position. I mean, if not for allowing people to make their own choice then do we want to have a posted list of prerequisites for all attendants before each ROCK and METAL show? Never realized that some of my fellow concert goers were so conformist-minded. After all, isn't the burden of proof on the party making the claims? Why should people not be allowed to go to a show because of what someone else is saying but cannot substantiate? We were making all these social moves over the last few years and there is still scientific papers and studies coming out daily proving that most of what was relayed to the public was wrong and fear-mongering. Before all this, nobody worried about the germs of the person next to them at a concert but now we have this new precedent set that says anyone can question you going to a concert simply because they said so, without substantiating anything or having proof that someone is a harm to those around them. If people are so worried about germs WHAT ARE YOU DOING SUPPOSEDLY RISKING YOUR LIFE JUST TO GO TO A CONCERT AND TELLING OTHER PEOPLE WHO AREN'T WORRIED THAT THEY SHOULDN'T BE THERE? Besides, why have the shot if it doesn't make you feel safe; I thought that was the point? If it doesn't make you safe then why should I have my ability to enjoy music infringed on by someone that took something they don't have any confidence in. Boy, I can't wait to have to show all my marks and proofs that I follow the rules just to see a little "rock and roll" show…

  6. If you are asking Rage Against the Machine to stand up for something meaningful like freedom or constitutional rights then you haven't been paying attention. Not sure how a few rich, out of touch, faux-activist has-been rockers is going to help a grassroots-type movement of being able to advocate for yourself and your rights. When I think of people that had courage, integrity and strength to get through this mess without pandering to social justice, it would be a few REGULAR people. If people like RAtM join in, its only because they want the credit and didn't have the stones to say anything when it really mattered. Stop relying on people that don't honestly have your interests or rights in mind and advocate for yourself, RAtM is only in it for the money.

  7. Being “edgy” against a vaccine for a virus that literally killed millions of people worldwide is soooo 2021. Seriously, don’t get vaccinated and take horse medicine instead. Natural selection in action.

  8. I spent over $500 on hockey game tickets in Buffalo last year. Then they said i cant go because I'm not vaccinated and i cant get a refund. I'm now part of a class action lawsuit against them. That left a sour taste in the mouths of many people living in Buffalo. Key Bank Center is empty every time there is a hockey game now.

  9. What’s funny about this whole situation is that we were never forced to get the vaccine. I’m vaccinated but if I wasn’t, it wouldn’t make a difference in my day to day life. I live in one of the most liberal states in the US and have worked in the medical field and have gone to several concerts and have gone on several flights since the pandemic and have not once been required to show proof of vaccination. Rock fans have become so desperate for something to rebel against that they’ve reached the point of throwing temper tantrums over CDC and WHO recommendations.

  10. All of the jobs that I can physically do still require you to be "vaccinated" and "boosted" in some cases here in California. I was forced to resign from my former job due to the "vaccine mandates" despite getting a "religious exemption" because I wasn't willing to be tested weekly. No one cared about those who had physical limitations that doesn't allow them to just go out and find a new job. My question is why are employers still asking potential employees to be "vaccinated"? Employers have been given permission to discriminate so that they can weed out those who aren't willing to comply with government dictates. This is the gradual process of Rev. 13:16 in which you will not be allowed to buy or sell without their Luciferase mark. This is why the Dept of Homeland Security has applied for a Luciferase patent in order to track who's been "vaccinated" and who has not. I suggest folks look at what the WHO and WEF has planned for us all along with the UN's Agenda 2030.

  11. excellent points made by Sumerian….where the eff are all the loud mouth "speak truth to power" types the t-shirt slogan crusaders….oh look there they are complying and or telling you, you better comply…they sure as hell aren't showing any concern for the blatant psy op on the west by the Govs of the west…

  12. It’s really difficult to do comedy these days. There is no human right that you can’t have your little feelings hurt. The woke fascists only have the power you give them

  13. The fact that we are still pretending that being vaccinated is like some kind of gold standard for health safety, with all we know about it, is pretty pathetic.

  14. eh, let everyone do what they want. I had to get my first one for work but the second and new booster i got because i wanted them. having had covid twice now they did make the second go round easier for me so i'm fine with my decision. As for yearly i;m not sure. i'll think about it as it depends on if something new comes out or the current version gets bad again.

  15. If there's one thing we learned during the plandemic, it's that the politicians, media, and big pharma are in bed together now more than ever. In the words of RATM, "F you, I won't do what you tell me."

  16. There’s always that one response saying, “well I don’t know if ____ would happen anyway”. Too weak to speak out against wrong, but also too weak to say they think it’s right.

  17. Forcing people to get a vaccine or showing proof of a negative COVID test is so 2021. All of us fans had to wait for over a year just to go see our favorite bands or artists live during the pandemic and the last thing we all need is to revisit those crappy guidelines this year.

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