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The Zen Leaf Cannabis of San Diego – Deep Roots

In this episode, Autumn Karcey travels to San Diego to visit Zen Leaf and get an inside look at what their operation is like and to learn about their professional climate and lighting setups, their growing techniques and pro tips as well as the personal stories of the people involved in Zen Leaf and the cannabis industry.

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Table of Contents
00:00 Up next
00:27 Intro
00:45 Zen Leaf’s President Mike Boshart
05:58 Tissue culture with Laura Gonzales
09:20 Viroid pro tip by Laura Gonzales – powered by Hawthorne Gardening
12:05 Head of Cultivation – Brandon Borrows
14:45 Quest Dehumidifiers
15:28 Strain Review – Powered by Hawthorne Gardening
16:00 Flower Stage
17:14 The Gavita 1930
18:15 The Dosatron System
20:20 The Gavita 1700
23:00 Drying and Curing – Brandon Burrows
25:30 Mark Buckley, Nursery and Propagation
28:10 Propagation with Sonny Bergen
32:10 Drinks at The Smoking Gun with Mike and Brandon


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39 thoughts on “San Diego Cannabis with Zen Leaf (Deep Roots)

  1. o god it all i ever wonted is to grow my own stuff and be left alone helping people all i wont to do in life is help others im 4 years sober and i thank us one that have mad it sober need to come together and start saving people it will work I promise we all got to come together

  2. stop trying to package a product… just allow the plant to be it will bloom as it needs,
    selcting plants for their stenghts rather than seaking out the weak

  3. Hey really enjoyed this episode! These guys at zen leaf seem highly motivated and like they say – hyper focused. Tissue culture, pheno hunting AND a legal commercial grow thats a lot of hats to wear and alot of hard working people to wear them. Autumn seems like a G in the industry as well! Great stuff guys.

  4. JUST CURIOUS ANYONE HAVE A PLANT LONGER THAN 1 YR?! I have a pepper plant i will let back out side, year 3… just curious if anyone has been able to harvest and completely re vegetate the same root stock!?

  5. That sound like a great idea bro but I'm willing to travel to go out to a facility so that I can grow like I'm talking long-term goals not short-term goals

  6. What's going on with you bro my name is Tasman lunch I've been following your page for a minute giving good feedback and good compliments about your marijuana now that I'm not working and I was to come and work for you I can work full time

  7. 0:15 what a money, what is the different with the other and another COMPANY? all look alike there is no innovation only money and resources to do the same thing as everyone else.

  8. I have yet to find a commercial cannabis company that sells anything but boof. Dispensary cannabis is alway hot garbage. Cookies for example. Home grown is always 10x better. I think something that these cannabis companies lack is the sustainment of a fresh product. No one wants dry sandy crumble flower that had no aroma or flavor, at least in my opinion.

  9. They treat the employees poorly. Extreme micromanagement and heavy toxic environment. Discrimination with peoples disabilities. Cutthroat corporate mentality. Allows managers to harass employees. Sells moldy weed and really overpriced poor products. I literally seen a customer come in and get a credit for having a tester proving mold on the weed!!!

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