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7 thoughts on “Pure Cake Breath X Animal Cookies by @Trulieve

  1. What's good Lord Greg I still worship you! And what up Chris I've been always wanting to try the cultivar I think I had the cultivar wedding cake a couple months ago I believe I paid 25/8th for it at Nirvana Center wasn't impressed but it was house bagged what I mean is they got a big batch of it and bagged it all up and weighed it out themselves like Culta does at times but I wanted to try Rae Bae and Hippie crasher but there delivery service isn't in effect lack of staff but Verano has came back with a bang I got Grape Bubblegum and Berry Tarts first then I picked up Yum Yum and Funnel cake also Verano has finally teamed up with that other grower I'm not referring to the Ric Flair drip I happy to be down the Essex Way active Plaza flea market too far from there there is a dispensary is called starbuds way too far to ever go there and Shop if you have to think about it you got to pay for the tolls up and back but Verano teamed up with Tyson 2.0 I got both of their new strains Pound for Pound cake and Dynamite Cookies it would have costed $110 for both 8ths but I paid $80 I thought it was going to be $88 after the first time discount then a couple days before that Culta had a brand-new Avenue sale is that was shocked at the price you buy 1/8 for $21 and get your second eighth for just $1 so they had 3 or 4 different Avenue Strains but I ordered 2 Horchata 8ths for the $21 they also had a strain that I never heard of called memberberry I should have gotten that is a horchata set a instead of doubling up on the horchata but I didn't want to roll the dice I only had horchata was I figured why not but I'm glad I did because it is very good for evening time and I love those type of strains but they also had Avenue SFV I went with the 2 horchata because I know that's the most popular is the best strain that they have came out without but right now the Verano is blowing everything else out the water and give you realize there's been a hike prices in a Verano flower as well but Story was my favorite but they haven't put anything out in a while so I really recommend Verano grape bubble gum and also I really highly recommend Verano chemdawg 91 both of their strange were amazing I haven't really got to try all the other stuff I have witches look pretty good about right now there's some straight from Verano that have orange punch as I forget the other ones

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