Are You Garbage presents Fat Court Season 2. Foley is put on trial for his weight loss after he has an expensive week in LA.
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Man if we could get foley to carnivore for like 2 months and realize that protein will fill his ass up way more than some fucking pancakes…
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WOW!!! He weights almost a full 4 times than I do!
He is such a lil bitch. Did you see that lil girl "can I come by and hang out" that he gave? He isn't intimidating anyone.
Foley is pure garbage. I've always HATED lying manipulators. This happens to be a funny show that also has an added "let's see how long he lives" status to it. Also the only prejudice I've ever held was to people that mess up themselves and weren't born that way.
I'd find a new partner if I was K.J. for sure. Fat ass is a compulsive liar who is funny on occasion and gross as hell most of the other time!
there should be a kippy n foley newspaper comic strip
You get 9-14 cards in the Topps pack if you get a special card.
Check out the starch solution by Dr John McDougall
life changer! I've lost 300lbs
love the pause at 13:18 "would you like a cigarette?"
Was that weight scale display on top of the sound bar Tbone gave as a Xmas gift?
Foley we want you around keep trying with the weight loss!!
Look at the bright side. At next SkankFest Vegas, the big man can eat for free at the Heart Attack Grill.
I know foley hates the outdoors and hiking, all that gay shit, but an hour a day would be a start
Foleys weight loss journey needs to be professional help. He only needs two meals a day to jump start his weight loss. He needs a team to help him set a realistic goal he can achieve.
"its got a duck in it" fuck yes!! this is why we play the game!!!! great ep!!
This is kinda sad. He seems like a nice guy and I hope he can pull it together.
You fucking got this Foley. I started at about 465lbs down to 395lb. Barely even working out. Just moderating the amount I'm eating and some pretty dedicated intermittent fasting. I still eat terrible shit regularly too. I just smaller portions of it lol. Gave myself a 2000 calorie per day limit and it's been good so far. Cheering for you!
And here I was wondering where all Kip's hair went
Does Foley have any sort of calorie counting app? When I was losing weight myself MyFitnessPal was a game changer. It does require that you sit down and honestly say how much of a fat tub o' lard you're being sometimes, but having specific numbers to hit definitely helped me.
Fuck off foley dudes.. He's an adult man.. he's not stupid.. he knos the consequences.. just love him and support him hile he's still around..
Foley I believe in you too!! As a mom of 5 and in recovery I understand loving food. I lost over 100 lbs. and kicked opiates! If I can do it, you can too! And I still eat anything I want just smaller amounts. I got an elliptical machine and would jump on it for only 5 minutes at first because that's all I could do. But I would get on it like 5 times per day and would eventually increase the time to no more than 30 minutes at a time a few times a day. I really think it helped Jumpstart my metabolism again. Love you Foley!! You can do it!!
I am a trashy bozo. So i don't have the inside scoop with fat court. But i really do hope Foley loses some weight. I was 380 pounds 15 months ago. Down to 225 now. One thing i know for sure from personal experience. If Foley's friends and family care more about him losing weight than he does. He won't lose much. Bribes and incentives will only go so far. He's got to want to do it himself. In saying that. I wish him all the best.
hire someone to slap shit out of foleys hands
Man im gonna buy the patreon for myself for christmas and watch all the hard feelings and fat courts to understand whats going on. FOLEY man i think you should do One Meal A Day fasting 5/7 days a week, its what works for us who love food and love to eat cause you can enjoy a big tasty meal every day, while giving your body enough time to deal with blood glucose levels and fat burning the rest of the day. I'm telling ya!!!
Give me H. Foley, or give me death!
Jesus Christ. I can’t be the only one that is constantly annoyed by Toby. This would be the perfect podcast if he would shut up.
Man I am drunk as shit, I love these boys so much.
Just discovered this podcast and I’m F’ing blown away! So interesting and so Goddamn funny! Great guests. Great questions. And great chemistry.
My only complaint, is the audio. I’m not a tech by any means, but can’t something be done to quell the huge fluctuations in volume? I’m constantly having to adjust the base, treble and and volume levels during every showing.
Other than that, pure fucking gold guys. Thanks so much for this!
Go Bills Mafia!
It’s only a matter of time that he gets the boot. Kippy will wind up having a kid & wont have the time or energy to put up with his antics. Especially if he’s costing him money. Make the clean break now.
Kip s trying to help ! Been in the exact situation with a long time friend and a business. He ended up quiting because it was too hard ! Love Foley! Hard to be Kip!
Git em, H!
Foley is the show, let's be honest