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Pantera have been dropped from the lineups of two of Germany’s largest heavy metal festivals Rock Im Park and Rock Am Ring. Pantera’s sets were cancelled after an outcry from local political activists.


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38 thoughts on “PANTERA Removed From Festivals Over Racism Allegations

  1. The Green Party has nothing better to do than to deliver a death blow to All Pantera fans. This was Pantera’s last chance to shine and with the awesome Zakk Wylde. The Green party has taken it all away. Instead of doing anything constructive, like finding solutions to problems, the Green party is busy destroying careers and ruining Pantera for the fans. Pantera fans will remember the Green party on voting day, not just in Germany, but in EVERY country in the world.

  2. “This is cancel culture” Yes, and that is to remain the case for other fascists and neo-Nazi’s.

    Also the nerds defending Pantera get over yourselves. They aren’t that good and it doesn’t matter their influence.

  3. so for some context. Here in Nuremberg where Rock im Park takes place, is the Reichparteitagsgelände which was built buy the nazis and when you see photos if Hitler standing in front of hundreds of thousands of people most of them were taken at this place. Germans take this part of history very seriously and to have a band come and play there of all places, who has had a history of performing the nazi salute on stage wont find it very welcoming here. Saying sorry is one thing, but still that kind of thing just sends the wrong message for Germans when someone who clearly doesnt understand the implications of it and the weight that gesturcarries in Germany. Its literally illegal here to do it.

  4. Except for the fact that the man has SHARP tattooed on the side of his head, which stands for Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice. So maybe people should pay more attention to that than some hand gesture he made years ago while being completely smashed. People do stupid stuff when intoxicated thinking they're funny. Listen to almost any pantera songs lyrics and you'll know hes not a racist, quite the opposite. Venues need to grow some balls and stand up to this BS. Cancel culture sucks and should be the only thing canceled.

  5. Ffs Anselmo was mocking a few numbskulls in the audience when he did the salute, has all sense of nuance and proportion just left the public sphere altogether?

  6. Everybody acts shocked and surprised that Phil and the band says racist slurs. Apparently you’ve never listened to pantera before or payed attention to them when they were still a band in the 90’s. This is not the first time something racist has been said. This is pantera that’s how they act that’s how they’ve always acted since the very beginning and if you can’t handle it don’t listen to them

  7. If Phil were a bigot then Charlie Benante would not have signed up, because Charlie is as progressive and inclusive of a person there is. All of Anthrax are, it's in their songs like "Who Cares Wins".

  8. They had their chance to make music…… reunion tour with two members is crazy……..Pantera was dime……not Phil them mfrs had their chance like Van Halen…..b.a.n …..f em….

  9. "Allegations"??? He can apologies till he's blue in the face. The Germans make KISS change their logo. And Phil wears his thoughts and feelings on his sleeve.

  10. Germany up to their old tricks again, I remember when kiss was banded from grease because they thought the song love gun was pro fire arms

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