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#LamborghiniMiura #StolenCars #Brazil



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42 thoughts on “My HUNT for the stolen Miura SV!

  1. An additional information is that the very same car was inspected by the local Bonhams representative, an acquaintance of Doug Nye,; let's call him Mr. RZ.

    He inspected the car in 2004/05, but concluded that the car was not eligible for sale because it did not have the proper import documentation and transit registration, so the “adverse possession” process was carried out to regularize ownership and allow exportation.

  2. The other Miura has a more complex story. It was sold to a Portuguese lawyer, with business in Angola, which was then a Portuguese colony. During Angola's war of independence, refugees fled to Brazil with their belongings, in small fishing boats. Many arrived with their cars on the deck of the boats – Ferraris, Mercedes, jaguars and this same Miura (the Jaguars should have been sunk in the sea, LOL). These people were received as refugees and their cars were given a special license as “luggage”, to be registered without paying import taxes, and to receive ownership title and license plates. There are pictures of these boats arriving at the ports in São Paulo and Santa Catarina states ( O ESTADA DE SÃO PULO newspaper, for example)

    This car has been in São Paulo in at least 2 workshops – Gancia ( Ferrari authorized dealer, mr. Gancia was the heir of Cinzano drink company and a close friend of Enzo himself, he had the same nomination letter as Luigi Chinetti’s) and Manolo´s – a former Gancia chief mechanic and Alfa Romeu specialist ( he managed Gancias Racing team Jolly with the 2,000 GTAM). This car suffered with the local low octane gas rate – Only 78 ROM at the time. This car was well Known by the sports car community in São Paulo and Brasilia.

    This lawyer returned to Portugal, and sold the car, which had a personal title linked to him, and with a problem with the fuel system. Nobody ever heard about the Portuguese lawyer again.

    Due to the lack of proper import documentation, it changes hand many times, and ended in the hands off a businessman with links with the federal government ( more links than businesses, if you get the idea). The car was sized at least twice by the tax authorities, and returned to him, which also had a feud within his family. So the car ended in a barn just outside Brasilia, in Goias state.

    In the end he made a judicial procedure known as “adverse possession”, which you justify that you are in the possession of something – car, home, land, etc- for more than 10 years and request the correct registration. Remeberring also that the importation duty had long expired, so Tax Revenue could not oppose the registration. So, after the legal procedure the car could be registered and exported to Italy, where it was rebuilt ( I hope at Polo Storico Lamborghini)

    This is the story of the car.

  3. I have some information for you about the 2 Miuras you posted. The green one was imported by the Italian embassy in Rio, and I think it still belongs to the Italian consulate, because the embassy moved to Brasilia. I saw this car in 1998 at two oficians in São Paulo, one to service the engine and the other to repair the air conditioning. I saw that the timing belt tensioner was damaged and an adaptation was made with a VW belt and a GM command belt tensioner. The store that did this was PROSCHARCAR, well known in São Paulo.

  4. I want to share a little story from early 90s. I was living in working in Omaha Nebraska and I saw a Lamborghini Mira at a gas station. It was in the white, and on a trailer I don't remember where the guy was coming from or going, and I asked him what it was. He replied what do you think it is, and I told him a Lamborghini miura. She said he'd been taking this vehicle for some miles had many people guess what it was and I was the first one to guess it correctly. He said it was the first miura imported into the United States and it had been in a fire he was taking it to get restored.

  5. Pedro should of got a shop to take the car too
    Got all the bits and paperwork etc all confirmed
    Then hand over the money and take everything there and then with the guys to take everything pronto
    That’s how a deal goes down and a shister doesn’t get the opportunity to wait a sec there’s a better offer

  6. Possession is 9/10 of the Law, I would have gone down there with a Certified Cashiers Cheque and said look, if we can get the car onto the Port Authority Property first thing in the morning – this Cheque is yours. We'll sort out the paperwork later, but not a Penny more until..

  7. Get Pedro back to America or I will steal him for Canada.Good working people are very hard to find so when a diamond in the rough comes along it's worth the work to get sponsorship done legally with no restrictions Let me known if I can take .him from you.

  8. Thank you for cutting the into back down and using the original. I dont know if other people complained or what but I personally could not stand the new intro and would skip it every time

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