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It’s been a busy month in the ongoing legal cases involving Marilyn Manson, with one lawsuit against him getting dismissed and another one resulting in a settlement with Marilyn Manson.

Editors note: An earlier version of the video incorrectly stated that Evan Rachel Wood has sued Marilyn Manson. She has not.

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27 thoughts on “Major Development in Marilyn Manson Case

  1. He's told on himself multiple times for years. He's an abuser. I'm not overly impressed by the judicial system in general and in this case. He's guilty.

  2. Weird cause if she wasn't just out for money then why is it she settled? Any REAL victim wants them off the streets. Just speaking out of experience. These aren't victims IMO

  3. She must have been very ignorant to think Marilyn Manson was going to act like prince charming.. did she get with him and not take any time at all to see his body of work? Obviously she was after money. 🤣

  4. MarylnManson is a scumbag he’s part of the bloodline families who have continually destroy the moral compass of the masses. When I was on drugs I loved his music. Now I see see him for what he is, Darkness, childless, and a puppet just every news news outlet on your tv. Government is slavery shut your tv off and sit with oneself for 30 minutes a day. If you’re a real human you’ll begin to see this world is on its way out.

  5. Been a long time Manson fan. When these allegations came out I wasn't sure how to feel but ultimately decided to withhold judgement until all this was over. If it comes out that any of these allegations are true then I certainly hope he gets what he deserves. But if any of these women are lying, I hope they get what they deserve as well. Women need to not lie about this shit. It ruins men, especially high profile men, and it makes it harder for the public to believe the true victims. As someone that has been abused in the past, that shit is hard enough to talk about without the fear of people thinking it's all a lie.

  6. They’re trying to turn the guy into Marilyn Cosby. Some of these women know what they get into. He’s got some exes that are on his side, and you know what? I say good for him. Regret for dating someone isn’t grounds enough for them to get some money from it.

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