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The lift arm on the driver’s side rear slipped. This is why it’s important to show new mechanics/technicians to properly lift vehicles and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on doing also. Also when you lift a vehicle a couple of inches off of the ground, shake it around a bit to make sure it won’t move.
Be safe!

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Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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45 thoughts on “Lucky Day For The New Mechanic

  1. From the 2 years I worked at the dealership shop, this scenario never left my mind I could be crushed like a pancake any second from a lift arm failure. That and some of the seasoned techs would put the arms a millimeter from slipping completely off the pad always sketched me out. Sure it never fell off but I need a good inch of buffer room before I feel safe.

  2. New people don't realize how important it is for a vehicle to be secured firmly on that lift that that arms are not gonna move or shift out of place when I trained new people I preach safty first always

  3. i dont care how many reasons n excuses people give to opted for 2 post lift. that thing is a disaster waiting to happen. i will never ever ever own or work under it.

  4. If you are a new mechanic, this tip could save you a lot of stress and this potentional shit situation:

    After you rack the car, lift it just a couple inches off the ground. So that all 4 tires are just an inch or two or three above the ground, rock the vehicle. It should NOT fall or break. If you a vehicle you racked doesn't fall when you shake it a couple inches off the ground, it shouldn't fall 6 feet in the air. Always shake test the vehicle on your rack before putting it above your head. Not doing this is so fucking reckless it isn't even funny. There could be any number of things wrong with the vehicle that you don't see at first glance. Don't assume. It could cost you

  5. I had a lift "near miss" once. Began lowering the vehicle after unlocking just one side of the lift. The vehicle tilted at a 45-degree angle, before I realized my mistake, and stopped the lift. I promptly returned the vehicle back to level height, and started over. But this time unlocking BOTH sides of the lift before lowering the vehicle. Unlike the vehicle shown here, I stopped the lift before the vehicle shifted out of original position. No harm came to the vehicle, to anyone, or anything else.

  6. Most new employees will be immediately terminated for their incompetence to properly set up a customer truck on a lift and it almost falls off! Thank goodness nobody got hurt!

  7. we had a hydraulic lift that jumped at the top. cleaning crew just came in and barely kicked the arms under lift. i was a bay over when it fell. the cleaning crew guy had his arms up like he was gonna stop it.

  8. before I retired, I checked my lift safeties daily and serviced the lift monthly, including floor bolt torque and chain lubing.

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