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Dope, Pokémon is badass glad y’all having fun with it
I got a bunch of cards I’m trying to sell couple different types of charizards in the lot too and the Japanese one, plus an unopened pikachu vmax celebrations box.
Japanese cards are cool and all but collect english cards more, they’re worth more than japanese cards in the market.
You should totally send that Aradactyl V alt art to PSA for grading. Danggg
This great . Yeahya
Wait wtff i got locked up in 2013 for beating the F**K out my sons step dad for 6 years and when i got out i noticed you didn't make videos anymore and now you are doing a unboxing with your son! props man "Cheers" Btw since we all dads n Sht now RESPECT!!!

I can’t wait till my sons are bit older to start enjoying stuff like this , there only 20months and 3 atm . Big shout out to customs been watching u since u first made ur channel legend
What’s your YouTube?
Get into magic the gathering ! The game is way more fun and engaging and every card is unique. Best card game ever
Next vid: one gram dab challenge with Jace

I remember in 2015 when he was 1 month old! Dude time has flown wth.
Whoop whoop my boys from Iowa meet u at the show not to long ago
from Bloomington Illinois and I will pull up some day on u to kick it my son does Pokémon card to. Whoop whoop.
Makes me want to be a dad
Youre a legend bri
Word of advice im sure you dont care to hear.. but you should work a little better angle when your pullin. Zsa
The full art irida trainer in English is sitting at $18 rn
I would have just sparked one in the store. 420 related
Miss you Jollie Ollie. Hope life’s treating you

This is awesome