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  1. I got a bunch of cards I’m trying to sell couple different types of charizards in the lot too and the Japanese one, plus an unopened pikachu vmax celebrations box.

  2. Wait wtff i got locked up in 2013 for beating the F**K out my sons step dad for 6 years and when i got out i noticed you didn't make videos anymore and now you are doing a unboxing with your son! props man "Cheers" Btw since we all dads n Sht now RESPECT!!!

  3. I can’t wait till my sons are bit older to start enjoying stuff like this , there only 20months and 3 atm . Big shout out to customs been watching u since u first made ur channel legend ❤

  4. Whoop whoop my boys from Iowa meet u at the show not to long ago 🤡❤️from Bloomington Illinois and I will pull up some day on u to kick it my son does Pokémon card to. Whoop whoop.

  5. Youre a legend bri😊

    Word of advice im sure you dont care to hear.. but you should work a little better angle when your pullin. Zsa

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