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I NEVER thought I d save someones life, let alone save them in a grow room ahahaha.

So this first story takes place in Merced in 2012 I think….just a typical trim party turned deadly…or at least really close to it! I dont want to get too into it yet…. just peep the video ahahahhaa.

The second story takes place in Merced also at my grandmas house…. I was about 5 and what happened straight scared me to death…Ive never seen anything like that since!

Guys this episode I wanted to do because my homie brought it up the other day and I cant believe I havent told this yet….get ready for, I Saved Someone’s Life : STORY TIME !!!

Thank you to for filming
Thank you to for editing


Dope As Yola

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Dope As Yola

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21 thoughts on “I Saved Someone’s Life : STORY TIME – DopeasYola

  1. never knew you could be allergic until one of our teachers was and the kids who would smoke would make the teacher sick so every time she knew someone was high in her class😂

  2. Bro saved my life during that covid bs idk the age limit on here but I was in middle school when I started watching story times now I’m a sophomore I’ve deadass learned life lessons from you and the dos and donts of life/weed

  3. either i’m high asf or this was one of your best story times, from the the stories to the story telling, i felt as if i was there fr for the mom story, great job thomas 👏

  4. Bro that first story was funny af I had the same experience, so when I was little like 6 or 7 and I was at school on the playground on the swings and while I was swinging and I was laughing and idk how the hell it happened but I think some kid was running and a fucking rock flew in my mouth and I started choking my friend who is also 6 or 7 did the Heimlich maneuver on me and the fucking rock flew out 💀😂😂 he started dying laughing after he saw the rock fly out

  5. Story 1 shows that no matter what once men have established the person is no longer dying they will start making fun of you 😂

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