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In this episode the FTS boys talk about cannabis legality – going from illegal to legal cannabis. Do you live in an area where cannabis is legal or is it outlawed? Let us know in the comments below!

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From The Stash

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From The Stash

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44 thoughts on “From Illegal To Legal Cannabis! – From the Stash Podcast Ep. 76

  1. I've talked about me getting busted in KY on a couple of these.. the cops told me to go buy it .. the next state over and drive back with it.. I swear.. I said isnt that Illegal? They looked at each other and had no clue.. yet still took my whole grow.. the only good thing that was said was,, " we don't care if you have 10 lbs put up.. you still can't grow it.". I got to court again after the first of the year.. we will see.. just miss my HLG lights.. and the dank.. London pound cake, Ice cream cake, og Jet fuel.. I got some content..

  2. If this govt really wanted to crush the black market let us middle to lower class grow the space of our basement. It'll flood the market to the point it'd only make sense to grow for your self

  3. I live in Illinois, and it's legal recreationally and medically here. Also I have epilepsy so I had to learn that it was an ancient medicine for it and was prescribed for it before being banned. My biggest worry, they don't care at all about the people being put in jail because of ganja. And there's not someone arguing that this is a human rights issue, that the illegality of it has caused executions of innocent people by police and the incarceration of people just for a plant and it's monstrous. Because they just keep demonizing the ganja like the ganja is bad and it is not bad. So they legalize it not caring that what people want is freedom, they just want in on the game and now co-exist with it, a lot like Amsterdam. No discussion on the fact that this law is morally wrong and cruel and unusual punishment.

  4. In virginia decriminalization is cool. We can have up to an ounce. Can smoke on private property. You can possess in VA. And grow 4 plants. Cannot sell! But can share freely with friends and family.

  5. Hey Pigeons,
    Agreed. Limits on quantity purchased, (There is in fact NO limit on storage at home here) as well as Manitoba being the ONLY province in Canada that does not allow its citizens to grow four measly plants is complete unconstitutional bullshit ,but this is thankfully being (hopefully) rectified through a court challenge as we speak.
    As for taking a step backwards after legalization,
    Knowing what specific strains you are buying as opposed to "I'll take whatever you've got" is a huge advantage to the consumer over illegal weed, not to mention tax revenue, complete eradication of court costs, policing, and jail time(within the confines of the law) for this innocuous plant, as well as the vast reduction of money earned by gangs.
    In summation, the ability to purchase clean and tested weed will never be worse than the hodgepodge parade of greedy dealer's we used to have to contend with, and that legalization(even with all of its faults) is immensely better than that.

    Your friends, with respect,

    Delta 9 Staff.

  6. Restrictions and full repeal are being lobbied in every state from big cannabis. Don’t be surprised if cannabis homegrow Is a thing of the past by 2030. Example look at Jersey. Fully legal but no homegrow.

  7. Manitoba just does everything they can to over tax its citizens, hence not allowing growing. They want the tax off retail and medicinal sales.

  8. Sounds like citizen's initiatives are the way to legalize. The people should write the legislation, make it bulletproof, and vote it in for states that allow it. And NOBODY should vote for a candidate that is against the people having access to cannibis in stores and home grows.

  9. I found a feral sativa ditch weed plant. Took it back home and am gonna try to harvest it soon, she’s still a baby.It looks red and purple and smells like bubba kush. I’m excited!

  10. It's all a bunch of bullshit,the states an feds want to bust are balls for growing a little bit of weed but yet you go to any store an get alcohol anywhere and get drunk get in your car and go kill somebody you can even make alcohol at home they sell the kit to make it but yet they wanted down us for smoking f**** weed and growing it who's the smart one not the government oh that's rite they make a killing off DUIs an taxes

  11. Here in Ontario, Canada you can legally grow 4 plants for personal use. It's not perfect but I think it would be difficult to undo this one day if the government ever thought to do that. It allows an enthusiast to invest in a grow with a certain amount of confidence.
    The other thing is that legalization was supposed to achieve was an unburdening of the justice system. So, who is policing the average grower these days? Practically no-one other than a by-law officer responding to a complaint.

  12. >> Pigeon$

    I reply "Mari–Piñata", some term i invented just a couple days ago, listening at bigot anti-cannabic propaganda on TV after learning our 1st CanFest was cancelled by the government…

  13. Continue asking for regulation and innocent men and women will be locked up and losing finances and personal property.? Stop asking for regulation from people who are disconnected from the reality of liberty, liminy, right to self determination…

  14. Small government! Shrink the feds and their power. Shrink the state government too. They should not be in out every day lives.

  15. Go back to the California prop 215 days. Screw regulations, seed to harvest system is trash. Decriminalization all day everyday. Rec market everywhere is trash and the "medical" days was a free market. As it should be.

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