They aren’t sure how this happened and did not find the floor mat stuck on top of the gas pedal as that’s a common issue to still see on Toyota’s.
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The driver claimed they just got their tires filled with air then started hearing a bad noise from the front end
They had a floor mat and when they jumped the curb the mat kept the throttle down.
Well can we get an explanation did he pass out?
Michelin defenders not so good for defending from other cars
How the hell can you do this other than purposely choosing to just hold down the accelerator??? I don't understand how this shit is possible, I mean I could see it happening with some sort of medical issue. But when there is nothing medically wrong, and this happens… That driver should lose their license.
Who goes to a mechanic to put Air in the tires
Holy cow!!!
Ohhh man I just laughed my ass off
I can’t just picture that lunatics face!?
Need more diversity barriers
Air was too expensive, so he decided to heat up his tyres to get more pressure.
Well, when you're trying to end yourself. Don't want a flat tire dragging you down.
Bet the driver was a African
"Ever since you added air to my tires I'm suddenly incompetent"
The air was either too old or improperly mixed from the factory . The driver definitely isn't at fault.
This happens when a lazy shop fills in air eith the valve stem at 4 o clock instead of in the 6 o clock position. The tire is suddenly unbalanced and can cause the throttle to stick wide open.
Let all the air out, next time they want to go full throttle, they won't
I want to know how this happens? Full throttle into traffic? I understand mixing up the pedals at least once, I've actually done it but as soon as I felt the car go in the direction I didn't want to go, I stopped, and it was when I was pulling out of the driveway so I was going slow anyway.
you did something to my gas pedal i know what you did yoooooooooooo f*** . XDD
The heck is that trashcan looking thing that the car seems to have magically clipped through?
As you do
One of those electric-hybrid ? Toyota Prius ?
Darwin award contestant
Sometimes people go to floor the brakes and accidentally floor the throttle. Happens ALL the time.
Does he even have a driver's license???
Well they must stop inflating Cab Tyres with Aircraft Tyres Air, it increases the engine performance!
Customer wasn't pre-warned!
That premium air I've been hearing about…
He probably has one of them leather car rugs that make your accelerator stick
Full send
It was the AIR!!
Most likely they had a stroke or heart attack
yep, blame the cyclist
those Toyotas have accelerated probs
This is what happens when tires are overfilled. Be sure to background check your mechanic.
"What you put in that tire?"
-Dom Torreto in F&F, probably
Was it a medical emergency?
They put in that NASCAR AIR does it ever time
I think whacked out cabbies are everywhere. Think about it. You'd have to be nuts to do what they do, put up with whatever trouble customers give them, driving in city traffic all day… Trust me, I used to be a tow truck operator. (Wait for it…)
Was he wearing a rag for a hat?
That is not caused by overinflated tires
Dang u would think they got NOS or something but just air

Used to nitro?
That's wicked funny to me
some people are just STUPID
That must have been some good air
Daggone high performance air!!
These crazies with there bunched up doubled up floor mats.
Alibaba was too busy thinking about how to make a bomb